How do you say Wonka Wash backwards?
Willy Wonka : Hsaw Aknow. Mrs. Teevee : Is that Japanese? Willy Wonka : No, that’s Wonka wash, spelled backwards.
Was fizzy lifting drink in the book?
The Fizzy Lifting Drinks room is a large room in the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and the 1971 film, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The room is where the Fizzy Lifting Drinks are both created and stored.
Who chews gum in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Violet Beauregarde
Violet Beauregarde (b. January 22) is one of the five children who won a Golden Ticket in the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. She chews gum to keep her concentration.
Is Charlie Bucket a girl?
Lead characters Charlie Bucket, Willy Wonka, and Grandpa Joe (now Grandma Joe) were portrayed as females, while traditionally male supporting and featured characters were played as males.
Who stole fizzy lifting drinks?
After the tour, Willy Wonka was mad at the two for stealing Fizzy Lifting Drinks, and told them (as part of the test) that they lost the lifetime supply of chocolate prize for violating the contract. But when Charlie returns the Everlasting Gobstopper back to Wonka, he declares Charlie is the winner.
Do all Wonka Bars have golden tickets?
Regardless of whether you are searching for a successful stocking filler or a birthday present with a difference, every film buff will love the Wonka Bar, which comes complete with a golden ticket, the perfect additional to a movie memorabilia collection.
What happened to the Oompa Loompa that drank the fizzy lifting drink?
In the Book Willy Wonka gave one Oompa-Loompa the Fizzy lifting Drink to consume for an outside test. After drinking some for a test, the Oompa-Loompa, for some unknown reason, could not burp and ended up lost in the sky.
What happened to Violet when she ate the gum?
Wonka warns Violet that the gum has not been perfected. But before he can finish, Violet seizes the gum and throws it into her mouth. Violet immediately begins tasting the soup and says how delicious it is.
Who is the villain in chocolate factory?
Arthur Slugworth is the main antagonist of the Roald Dahl children’s books Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, as well as the 1971 and 2005 film adaptations of the first book.
What is Mrs Gloops first name?
Gloop is the mother of Augustus Gloop and the wife of Mr. Gloop. She was never given a first name.
What rule did Charlie break?
Wonka declares that Charlie won’t be getting the sweets because he “broke the rules.” Grandpa Joe asks, “What rules? We didn’t see any rules, did we, Charlie?” Wonka then laces into him, citing rule 37B of the contract Charlie signed. “You stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks!” he screams.
What three course dinner items did Mr Wonka name in the chewing gum strip he made from the gum machine?
This piece of gum I’ve just made happens to be tomato soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie, but you can have almost anything you want! ‘ Three course dinner chewing gum is one of the memorable foods in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.