How does methoprene work?
Methoprene is an insect growth regulator. By acting like an insect hormone, it interferes with insect growth and development. It can prevent normal molting, egg-laying, egg-hatching, and development from the immature phase (i.e. caterpillar) to the adult phase (i.e. moth). This prevents the insects from reproducing.
Is methoprene an insect growth regulator?
Methoprene is an insect growth regulator (IGR) with activity against a variety of insect species including horn flies, mosquitoes, beetles, tobacco moths, sciarid flies, fleas (eggs and larvae), fire ants, pharoah ants, midge flies and Indian meal moths.
How long does it take methoprene to work?
Using S-Methoprene for Flea & Tick control Studies of Frontline Plus have shown that between 98 and 100% of fleas are killed within 24 hours of application, an outstanding level of efficacy and the reason many vets recommend this particular product.
Is methoprene harmful to humans?
Methoprene is of very low toxicity to humans and other vertebrates, and may be applied directly to pets, livestock and zoo animals for control of fleas, mites, and other parasites (reviews: Siddall, 1976, U.S.E.P.A.
How effective is methoprene?
The combination product was 100% ovicidal through day 56 and was still about 98% effective against eggs at the end of the study (day 76).
Is methoprene an insecticide?
Methoprene is a compound that mimics the action of an insect growth regulation hormone. It is used as an insecticide because it interferes with the normal maturation process.
What is fipronil S methoprene?
Fipronil is a phenylpyrazole antiparasitic agent and methoprene is an insect growth regulator. Combined together, fipronil and methoprene kill adult and larval fleas as well as flea eggs. All stages of ticks are also killed. It works by interfering with the central nervous system of insects, resulting in death.
What contains methoprene?
Methoprene is a common ingredient found in flea treatments for dogs and cats, mosquito control products, insect baits, and home insect sprays or foggers. It can also be used on food including stored grains, corn, mushrooms, peanuts, cattle, and cereals.