What is Zone A72?
Zoning Designation: A72 The A72 Use Regulations are intended to create and preserve areas for the raising of crops and animals. Processing of products produced or raised on the premises would be permitted as would certain commercial activities associated with crop and animal raising.
What is A70 zoning San Diego?
Zoning Designation: A70 The A70 Use Regulations are intended to create and preserve areas intended primarily for agricultural crop production. Additionally, a limited number of small farm animals may be kept and agricultural products raised on the premises may be processed.
What is C36 zoning San Diego?
The C36 Use Regulations are intended to create and enhance commercial areas where a wide range of retail goods and services are permitted. Typically, the C36 Use Regulations would be applied where central area commercial facilities were desired in association with administrative and office uses.
What is S92 zoning San Diego?
The S92 Use Regulations are intended to provide appropriate controls for land which is: rugged terrain, watershed, dependent on ground water for a water supply, desert, susceptible to fires and erosion, or subject to other environmental constraints.
How do I change the land zoning in California?
To change the use, the owner or other party (such as a prospective buyer) must apply for a Rezoning. By law, any Rezoning must be consistent with the County’s General Plan and be in the public interest. Who approves it? A Rezoning is a legislative act amending the Zoning Ordinance.
How close can I build to my property line San Diego?
The maximum total required setback from the property line is 15 feet.
What is r1 zoning San Diego?
The R-1 zoning district is intended to provide for areas appropriate for a range of detached single-family residential dwelling units, each located on a single legal lot, and does not include condominiums or cooperative housing. C.
What is r1 zoning in San Diego?
R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Zoning District. The R-1 zoning district is intended to provide for areas appropriate for a range of detached single-family residential dwelling units, each located on a single legal lot, and does not include condominiums or cooperative housing. C.
What does changing a zone mean?
What is a zone change? A zone change is the process of changing the current zone district to a different zone district. A property owner may choose to change the zoning to use his property differently from what the existing zoning allows (e.g., residential vs. commercial).
How do I rezone my house in Los Angeles?
Application Procedure Telephone (213) 974-6411. Email [email protected]. Our office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Can I build an ADU in my front yard San Diego?
What is the setback requirement for an ADU in San Diego? ADUs must comply with the front yard setbacks, with a 0′ side yard and rear setback. In other words, you can technically build all the way up to the property line.
How close can a shed be to fence San Diego?
SECTION 4842 SETBACKS FOR DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. a. No detached accessory building shall be located with walls closer than 3 feet or eaves closer than 2 feet from interior side or rear property lines.
What is R2 zoning in California?
Medium Density Residential District (R2). The R2 zoning district is intended for areas appropriate for single-family detached homes, secondary residential units, and duplexes. The R2 zoning district provides a moderate density residential environment with a wide variety of housing types.
How do I change my property zoning in Los Angeles?
Can I build 2 ADUs on my property San Diego?
Can you attach two ADUs to each other in County of San Diego? No, you cannot attach two ADUs. The County has interpreted that multi-family lots are permitted two freestanding, detached accessory dwelling units which are detached from the multi-family residence as well as from one another.
How much does an ADU permit cost in San Diego?
ADU fees will vary depending on the scope of work for your project. However, the average cost for permits when building a detached ADU can range from $6,000-$8,000. Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted when built at a single multifamily residence.
How big of a shed can I build without a permit in San Diego?
(3) One-story detached accessory buildings including sea cargo containers used as non-habitable space such as tool or storage sheds, playhouses, agricultural buildings and similar uses provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet and no plumbing, electrical or mechanical permit is required for the structure.