What is CDE in phaco machine?
Introduction. CDE (cumulative dissipated energy) is a built-in device of the Alcon Infiniti phacoemulsification unit (Alcon Labs, Hünenberg, Switzerland). It shows the time taken in seconds to complete a case of phacoemulsification, which reflects how much energy will be expended.
What is a phaco tip?
The phaco tip is the only surgical instrument required for this technique. Its advantages include maintaining a stable intraocular pressure during cortical cleaving hydrodissection and lens removal, which includes the cortex. Keywords: cataract surgery, hydrodissection, capsular block syndrome, FLACS, Dewey tip.
What is surge in phaco?
Surge. Surge occurs during phacoemulsification when outflow exceeds inflow, and a sudden rush of fluid from the anterior chamber occurs post-occlusion. When the tip of the phaco needle is occluded, flow is instantly interrupted and negative pressure builds within the tubing.
What is effective phaco time?
Effective phaco time (EPT) is a parameter that allows us to compare different phaco settings. EPT can be considered the product of phaco time multiplied by average phaco power.
What is a phaco emulsifier?
A phacoemulsifier is a sophisticated machine that sends ultrasonic vibrations to a tiny probe that has been inserted through an incision into the cloudy lens that constitutes the cataract.
What is the energy used in phaco?
Ultrasound energy has two components. The first is mechanical cutting energy, which many believe is the sole energy in phacoemulsification. A second, less studied type of energy is produced by the sonic wave part of ultrasound, which produces cycles. These cycles can create little bubbles or cavities.
What is a phaco probe?
The phaco probe is an ultrasonic handpiece with a titanium or steel needle. The tip of the needle vibrates at ultrasonic frequency to sculpt and emulsify the cataract while the pump aspirates particles through the tip.
How do I stop phaco surge?
“We can prevent surge in occlusion by using the ABS system that Alcon had developed,” he said. “Alcon’s ABS system gives us a tiny 0.175-mm hole in the shaft of the phaco needle. So when the needle occludes, fluid flows through that little tip in a varying amount and prevents the occlusion.
What is cold phaco?
Cold Phaco gives the surgeon the ability to control ultrasonics and aspiration simultaneously and independently. With new technologies available cataract surgeons will be performing procedures with incisions as small as 1.0mm. With traditional phaco, wound burns are often a real possibility.
How do I reduce phaco chatter?
Phaco pulse and phaco burst modes decrease the chatter,” he said. As chatter is reduced, the turbulence of fluid in the anterior chamber can be reduced by lowering the flow rate, resulting in less endothelial trauma, said Dr.
What is cataract surgery called?
Phacoemulsification, or phaco. Most cataract surgery today is done by phacoemulsification, also called “small incision cataract surgery.”
How does a phaco machine works?
What causes rock hard cataract?
“The use of blunt instruments, unintended insertion of instruments between the corneal stroma, Descemet’s membrane, improper incisions and tight main incisions can all cause damage in these cases,” says Dr.
Is phaco a laser surgery?
A phacoemulsification laser then breaks up the cataract in order for it to be suctioned out and removed. After the cataract is removed, an intraocular lens will be inserted in order to replace the natural lens. The cut eye tissue at the site of the original incision heals itself without the need for any sutures.