Why did Littlefinger want the tapestries?
He knows that the Golden Company will only come over for a legitimate claim (Blackfyre or Targaryan) to the throne backing them. He will then give the tapestries to Aegon who will use them to show the world the Lannister incest.
Who was Baelish in love with?
Catelyn Stark
For most of his life, Littlefinger was in love with Catelyn Stark. Most of his efforts can be traced to acquiring power, and using that power to contrive circumstances where in some twisted version of events, he could be with her. As he tells Lysa when he kills her, Catelyn was the only woman he ever loved.
Is Baelish in love with Sansa?
Although Littlefinger seems to have genuine affection for Sansa, the most recent episode saw him put a plan in motion to create a rift between her and her sister Arya.
What did cersei send to Littlefinger?
After speaking with the High Sparrow, she goes to Qyburn and asks him to send a raven to Littlefinger “at the Eyrie or wherever he’s slithering about”. We later see he gets the message from Roose Bolton.
Is Littlefinger a faceless man?
He provided the poison that killed a hand and king. He trained Arya as Syrio Forel and she freed him from the fire.
Did Tywin know Arya was a girl?
Tywin knew she was a northerner and high-born to boot. But he didn’t know she was that northerner or that highborn, or he would never have let her escape. But then again, he hadn’t been in King’s Landing the season prior to actually know her as Ned Stark’s daughter.
Did baelish know about Ramsay?
Littlefinger tried to apologize to Sansa, telling her he didn’t know and that he had “underestimated a stranger.” “Ramsay’s not known everywhere as a psycho,” the show’s coproducer and writer Bryan Cogman said in Hibberd’s new book about the show. “Littlefinger doesn’t have that intelligence on him.
Why does baelish accent change?
Tell us about Littlefinger’s accent, which has been an obsession of many fans of the show. It’s changed over the years, some suggest as a way of adapting to his environment.
Why is Littlefinger’s name Littlefinger?
Petyr grew up at House Tully’s castle Riverrun with Hoster’s daughters Catelyn and Lysa, and son Edmure; Edmure nicknamed Petyr “Littlefinger” in reference to his short stature and his family’s lands on the smallest of the peninsulas called the Fingers.
Did little finger know Arya was?
In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Littlefinger actor Aidan Gillen comments on the interaction. “It was unclear if he recognized her or not, but I have my own thoughts on that,” Gillen told EW. “Yes, I did recognize her—I just didn’t say anything or do anything about it.”