What is a choroid plexus and what is its role?
The choroid plexus is a complex network of capillaries lined by specialized cells and has various functions. One of the primary functions is to produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) via the ependymal cells that line the ventricles of the brain.
Why is it called choroid plexus?
Choroid plexus translates from the Latin plexus chorioides, which mirrors Ancient Greek χοριοειδές πλέγμα. The word chorion was used by Galen to refer to the outer membrane enclosing the fetus. Both meanings of the word plexus are given as pleating, or braiding.
What part of the brain contains the choroid plexus?
The choroid plexuses are located in the ventricles produce CSF, which fills the ventricles and subarachnoid space, following a cycle of constant production and reabsorption. Brain, coronal view. Meninges and ventricles of the brain.
How big is the choroid plexus?
Results: Across all ages, the mean choroid plexus thickness in the lateral ventricles was found to be 3.4, 3.3, and 3.1 mm in the axial, coronal, and sagittal views; 3.2 mm in the temporal horns; 2.5 mm in the fourth ventricle with the lateral limb of the choroid plexus in the fourth ventricle measuring 11.3 mm in …
How many choroid plexus are there?
The choroid plexuses are four modified epithelial structures suspended inside the cerebral ventricles. There are two lateral ventricular choroid plexuses, the third ventricular choroid plexus and the fourth ventricular (hindbrain) choroid plexus (Figure 2).
Where is the plexus?
Nerve Junction Boxes: The Plexuses Four nerve plexuses are located in the trunk of the body: The cervical plexus provides nerve connections to the head, neck, and shoulder. The brachial plexus provides connections to the chest, shoulders, upper arms, forearms, and hands.
What is the survival rate for choroid plexus carcinoma?
The five-year survival following complete surgical removal is 80 to 100 percent. Partial surgical removal results in a 70 percent five-year survival rate. Children with choroid plexus carcinoma typically need additional treatment after surgery. The survival rate after surgery is 60 to 65 percent.
What does plex mean?
noun combining form. Definition of -plex (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a figure of a given power googolplex. 2 : a building divided into an often specified number of spaces (such as apartments or movie theaters) fourplex multiplex.
Where is the plexus located?
What means LEEP?
Listen to pronunciation. A technique that uses electric current passed through a thin wire loop to remove abnormal tissue. Also called loop electrosurgical excision procedure and loop excision.
What does Dendr mean?
Dendr- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “tree.” It is used in some medical and scientific terms, including in biology and botany.
What is plexus known for?
Plexus is a dietary supplement company that’s best known for its “pink drink” — Plexus Slim Hunger Control — which is a powdered supplement that’s meant to suppress appetite and help you lose weight.