What does it mean when someone says namesake?
one that has the same name as another
Definition of namesake : one that has the same name as another especially : one who is named after another or for whom another is named His grandson and namesake is the spit and image of him … —
Can I say my namesake?
Multiple reference guides say that although it can be used to describe either the younger person who has been named after someone or the older person who was the inspiration for the name, “namesake” is most commonly used to describe the younger person, so I am my mother’s cousin’s namesake.
What is another word for namesake?
Synonyms for Namesake:
- n. •name (noun) moniker, handle, surname, flag, pseudonym, eponym, sobriquet, autograph, agname, proper name, matronymic, pen name, signature, eponyms, term, epithet,
- Other synonyms: • plain, initial, unnamed, nee, naming ceremony, titular, nameless. • junior, senior. • under. • Of. • by.
How do you use namesake?
In American English, the traditional definition of namesake is one who is named after another. For example, John, Jr. is the namesake of his father, John, Sr. But in 21st-century usage, namesake is often applied to the source of the name, making John, Sr. the namesake of his son, John, Jr.
How do you use the phrase namesake?
Someone’s or something’s namesake has the same name as they do. He is putting together a four-man team, including his son and namesake Tony O’Reilly Jr. The town of Breckenridge and its namesake ski area could prosper under the plan.
What do you call an unkempt person?
Noun. A person who is lazy and has low standards of cleanliness. slob. bum. slacker.
What is a antonym for namesake?
noun. ( ˈneɪmˌseɪk) A person with the same name as another. Antonyms. fat person introvert good guy acquaintance male debtor worker.
What is opposite of namesake?
The opposing term, referring to the original entity after which something else was named, is called an eponym.
How do you honor namesake?
The best way to celebrate Namesake Day is to contact your parents and see if they’ll tell you who you’re named after. If the person is alive and well, perhaps you can take them out for a special dinner, or just spend the day hanging out with them.
What do we call a lazy girl?
loafer. lounger. malingerer. ne’er-do-well.
How do you describe an unclean person?
2. base, unchaste, sinful, corrupt, polluted.
What is a namesake example?
If your parents named you after your Great Uncle Abner, then you are his namesake. The two of you share a very nice name. Use the noun namesake to describe the recipient of a handed-down name, like Bob Jr., or Ricky Smith III.
What do you call a thing named after a person?
An eponym is the person, place, or thing that something else is named after. For example, Achilles is the eponym of the Achilles tendon. Queen Victoria is the eponym of Lake Victoria and quite a few other things.
Is there a dictionary of dirty words?
Dictionary of dirty words — “Sexual Slang” is a comprehensive glossary listing taboo phrases through the years This is a dictionary with some 2,000 entries, running from abbess to zubrick — that is, from an 18th-century term for a madam to a 20th-century Australian term for male genitalia.
What is dirty parody names?
A fake name derived from a sexual term or phrase where the words are manipulated and mispelled in order to make it look like a real person’s name. Jenna Tools is one of the newest dirty parody names. Get a Dirty Parody Names mug for your buddy Helena.
What is the opposite of Dirty?
Dirty: not clean. Synonyms: bedraggled, befouled, begrimed… Antonyms: clean, cleanly, immaculate… Find the right word.
What is the most disturbing Urban Dictionary Word ever?
25 Most Disturbing Urban Dictionary Words Ever. 1 1. Mung. Last but not least, the one thing “worse than genocide.”. I mean, you have to be a seriously damaged person to even look this up and put it 2 2. Alabama Hot Pocket. 3 3. Felch. 4 4. Cleveland Steamer. 5 5. Michigan Dew Banks.