What is the meaning of wiggle in a sentence?
/ˈwɪɡ. əl/ to (cause to) move up and down and/or from side to side with small, quick movements: He tried wiggling the control stick but nothing happened. She wiggled her toes in the water.
What is a wiggle word?
Wiggle words are words which appear to have a clear meaning, but which actually do not. Their meaning changes depending on such things as who is using them and what they are trying to do with them.
What is the synonym of Wiggle Wiggle?
jiggle, wriggle, twitch, flutter, shimmy, joggle, wag, wobble, shake, twist, squirm, writhe, wave, quiver, jerk, bobble. informal waggle. jandal.
What type of verb is wiggle?
verb (used without object), wig·gled, wig·gling. to move or go with short, quick, irregular movements from side to side: The puppies wiggled with delight. verb (used with object), wig·gled, wig·gling.
Can I wiggle my ears?
Some humans are able to wiggle their ears, suggesting that some of the brain circuits and muscles that allow automatic ear movements towards sounds are still present. This may be a ‘vestigial feature’, an ability that is maintained even though it no longer serves its original purpose.
Is wiggle a action verb?
As detailed above, ‘wiggle’ can be a verb or a noun. Verb usage: The jelly wiggles on the plate when you move it. Noun usage: She walked with a sexy wiggle.
Is wiggly a noun?
adjective, wig·gli·er, wig·gli·est. wiggling: a wiggly child.
What is the meaning of wiggling fingers?
1 to move or cause to move with jerky movements, esp. from side to side.
What are synonyms for wriggle?
In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for wriggle, like: move, squirm, twist, crawl, wiggle, convulse, wrestle, dodge, evade, ooze and squiggle.
What is the synonym of twitch?
jerk, move convulsively, move spasmodically, spasm, convulse, flutter, quiver, tremble, shiver, quaver, shudder. 2’he twitched the note out of Ellie’s hand’ snatch, pluck, pull, tug, tweak. informal yank.
Why do I wiggle my fingers?
In young, healthy people, finger twitching is likely a symptom of overexertion. Often, this stems from overuse of cellphones, computers, and video games. If the twitching continues, with no clear cause, consult a doctor.
What does abaft mean in sailing?
The wind was abaft which made the ship glide faster towards our destination. They placed the lifeboats in the rear part of the ship, so I headed abaft to retrieve one. My first sailing lesson was learning that abaft was at the stern of the boat. The sea spray was coming from abaft, making my back all wet.
What is the verb for Wiggle?
intransitive verb. 1 : to move to and fro with quick jerky or shaking motions : jiggle. 2 : to proceed with or as if with twisting and turning movements : wriggle. transitive verb. : to cause to wiggle. wiggle.
How do you use abaft in a sentence?
Examples of abaft in a Sentence Adverb the lookout in the crow’s nest warned that there was an enemy frigate abaft and bearing down hard on their ship Preposition a school of porpoises swam abaft the fishing boat First Known Use of abaft
What is a good sentence for wiggling?
Nurture the wiggling, for that which wiggles is amazing. This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. In one scene, her feet are shown contorting and digging into the bed, and she is wiggling her toes and kicking her feet around.