How do I add money to my Virginia Tech meal plan?
Adding Money to Your Account Deposits on any dining plan can be made online throughout the year at HokieSpa. Information about deposits, balances, and transaction history can also be found at
Do Virginia Tech dining dollars roll over?
Dining Dollars and Flex Additions will roll from semester to semester until formal separation from the university (graduation, resignation, suspension, etc.).
What are flex dollars at Virginia Tech?
The remaining balance, called Flex Dollars, can be used at our dining centers and receive a discount on each purchase. Flex Plans get a 67 percent discount at D2, an all-you-care-to-eat venue in Dietrick Hall, and 50 percent off the cash price at all other venues.
What are dining dollars at Virginia Tech?
Dining Dollars work like a debit card and can be used at any of our venues on campus.
How much does a professor at Virginia Tech make?
How much does a Professor at Virginia Tech make? The typical Virginia Tech Professor salary is $167,475 per year. Professor salaries at Virginia Tech can range from $86,258 – $268,444 per year.
How much do Virginia Tech graduates make?
73,159 USD (2018)Virginia Tech / Average salary after attending undergrad
What does B mean Starbucks?
and the B is not in the custom, it’s in the milk box where it should be because it’s B for breve, as in half and half…
What does N mean for milk at Starbucks?
Eggnog (seasonal) % 50% whole, 50% non-fat. N. Nonfat.
Is Virginia Tech urban or rural?
Caroline: A lot of the charm of Virginia Tech is its rural campus. The town of Blacksburg is small and friendly, and I have never felt threatened walking across the campus or down Main Street. There is a fantastic, free bus system for students that runs to the major apartment complexes and to several stops on campus.