How to create a cached list in PHP?
The first five lines create the cached file name according to the current PHP file. So, if you’re using a file named list.php, the web page created by the page caching will be named cached-list.html. Line six creates a $cachetime variable, which determines the life of our simple cache (Cachefile time).
How do I use pagecache in composer?
PSR-16 compatible cache adapter (Redis or Memcached). Built-in page caching for mobile devices. Like I said, using PageCache is simple. Just install the library using Composer and add the following PHP code snippet at the top of your PHP script and the PHP cache library will create and provide the cached file.
Where does the cached page version get stored in PHP?
In most cases the cached page version is getting stored for a specific time on the server’s hard disk. If you search for “php cache” you will find on top the PHP Cache website. The PHP cache company is the host for different PHP cache libraries and adapters for APC, Redis, MemCached, FileSystem and many others.
What is phpfastcache in PHP?
This PHP cache library is one of the bigger projects and is not part of some framework. If you need a cache for a high traffic website, PhpFastCache is the library you need. You can use the library for different cache types like a file cache, SQLite, MongoDB, Redis and Memcached.
How to define constants per class in PHP?
It is possible to define constants on a per-class basis remaining the same and unchangeable. The default visibility of class constants is public . Class constants can be redefined by a child class. As of PHP 8.1.0, class constants cannot be redefined by a child class if it is defined as final .
Is it possible to define a magic constant for a PHP version?
Of course you can define this magic constant for PHP versions not yet having this constant, but it will defeat its purpose as soon as you are using the constant in an included file, which may be in a different directory then the file defining the __DIR__ constant.
What is the default visibility of class constants in PHP?
The default visibility of class constants is public . Class constants can be redefined by a child class. As of PHP 8.1.0, class constants cannot be redefined by a child class if it is defined as final . It’s also possible for interfaces to have constants.