How do I get from Cirali to Antalya?
The quickest way to get from Antalya to Çıralı is to taxi which costs 410 ₺ – 490 ₺ and takes 1h 25m. How far is it from Antalya to Çıralı? It is 58 km from Antalya to Çıralı. It is approximately 82.6 km to drive.
How do you get to Olympos Beach from Antalya?
If you want to travel from Antalya by public transport, it is best to take the buses or minibuses that leave from the Antalya bus station and go in the “Kumluca-Fethiye” direction (to Olympos station). From the Antalya airport, the easiest way to reach Olympos Beach is by taking a shuttle bus.
How do I get from Trabzon to Antalya?
The best way to get from Antalya to Trabzon (State) is to fly which takes 1h 59m and costs 800 ₺ – 2.500 ₺. Alternatively, you can bus via Burdur, which costs 160 ₺ – 360 ₺ and takes 18h 22m.
How much time does it take for one to reach Pamukkale from Antalya city center?
Yes, the driving distance between Antalya to Pamukkale is 236 km. It takes approximately 3h 10m to drive from Antalya to Pamukkale.
Is Olympos Turkey worth visiting?
Due to its natural and historic importance, the area is under protection, making it an earthly bit of paradise. Protection means, no resorts, no luxury hotels, but cute little shacks and tree houses instead. This has made Olympos a favorite mostly among backpackers.
Is Cappadocia close to Antalya?
The distance between Antalya and Cappadocia is 413 km. The road distance is 538.8 km. How do I travel from Antalya to Cappadocia without a car? The best way to get from Antalya to Cappadocia without a car is to bus which takes 8h 31m and costs 100 ₺ – 140 ₺.
How do you get from Istanbul to Antalya?
Several intercity bus companies run direct bus services from both Istanbul’s main bus station, Esenler Otogar, and Alibeyköy Otogar to Antalya. The journey takes between 11 and 13 hours (depending on how many stops the service makes), so the vast majority of services operate this route overnight.
How many days are enough for Antalya?
4 days in Antalya may or may not be enough to discover the beauties of this famous resort on the Turkish Riviera. In my opinion, four days is the minimum for the best Antalya itinerary, enough to get to see many beautiful places, both in the city and nearby.
What is there to do in Antalya at night?
Where to Go in Antalya at Night?
- Tunektepe Cable Automobile.
- The Land of Legends.
- Antalya dinner cruises.
- Demirhan Bath.
- Kaleiçi.
- Tipsy Old Town.
- Antalya State Theater.
- Sheffield Pub.
Is Antalya better or Cappadocia?
People go to Antalya to swim and visit Roman sites, Cappadocia for its rock formations, undergound cities and ballooning. It is impossible to say which one you might prefer. (Many more people go to Antalya.) However, Cappadocia is OK to visit year-round, while Antalya is best April through October.
Is there a train from Cappadocia to Antalya?
The quickest way to get from Cappadocia to Antalya is to train and fly which costs €170 – €550 and takes 10h 20m.
How much is bus fare from Istanbul to Antalya?
The average cost of bus travel between İstanbul and Antalya is $26.28, which makes bus travel far cheaper than any other method.
How long is the bus ride from Istanbul to Antalya?
between 11 and 13 hours
From Istanbul to Antalya by Direct Bus The journey takes between 11 and 13 hours (depending on how many stops the service makes), so the vast majority of services operate this route overnight. Major bus companies offering this route include Pamukkale Turizm, Metro Turizm, and Isparta Petrol Turizm.
Is Pamukkale a tourist trap?
Unfortunately, the cotton castle in Pamukkale has entirely been overrun by busloads of daytrippers and visitors who head to the very small town to see the mineral-rich deposits cascading down the mountainside and to visit the ancient geothermal pool which Cleopatra herself is rumored to have swum in, now named “ …
Do I need cash in Antalya?
Cards are widely accepted everywhere. Just really taxi fares, tips and market stalls needing cash although I notice more and more stall holders take cards! You possibly have time to get a Starling card/account.
Are things cheap in Antalya?
Antalya can be as cheap or as expensive as you like :o) Usually the hotel breakfast are buffet style or a good plateful of food. Usually a couple of choices of different cheeses, olives, cucumber, tomatoe, cold meat, egg plus jams, honey etc.