What can parents do if denied visitation rights?
The parent being denied visits can file a contempt request (sometimes called an “Order to Show Cause”) or a request to modify custody with the court. If the judge finds the parent who is withholding visitation in contempt of court, the judge can fine the parent or even impose jail time.
What to do if the other parent does not show up for visitation?
Verification of Visits: If the other parent routinely cancels visits at the last minute,consider asking that the court require that the parent verify visits,such as by providing confirmation
How do you stop unfit fathers from getting visitation rights?
You can only stop visitation rights if a judge enters a court order to do so.
Do I have the right to refuse visitation?
Visitation rights may be denied for the same reasons they would be modified or suspended. Custody laws require that judges consider the best interests of the child when ruling on custody and visitation matters. Most states have enacted laws or have specific case law that lists the factors used in determining the best interest of the child.