What is hyper fractionation?
Listen to pronunciation. (HY-per-FRAK-shuh-NAY-shun) A treatment schedule in which the total dose of radiation or chemotherapy is divided into small doses and treatments are given more than once a day.
What is accelerated fractionation?
Accelerated fractionation is defined as reducing the overall duration of a radiotherapy regimen without a significant change in the size of dose per fraction or total dose. This is achieved by giving two or more fractions on some or all of the treatment days.
What is Hyperfractionation in radiotherapy?
Hyperfractionation is a radiation treatment in which the total dose of radiation delivered is divided into smaller doses and treatments are given more than once a day (typically 2-3 a day).
What does Hypofractionation mean?
Listen to pronunciation. (HY-poh-FRAK-shuh-NAY-shun) A treatment schedule in which the total dose of radiation is divided into large doses and treatments are given once a day or less often.
What is hypofractionated IMRT?
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) allows for hypofractionation and shortening of the overall treatment time by delivering differential doses to multiple target organs [12].
Why is radiotherapy fractionated?
Radiotherapy is split into a number of treatments called fractions that are given over several weeks. Delivering a small fraction of the total radiation dose allows time for normal cells to repair themselves between treatments, thereby reducing side effects.
What is conventional fractionation?
Conventional fractionation in radiotherapy utilises fraction size of 1.8 -2 Gy per day for 5. days a week resulting in a total dose of 9-10Gy per week. Page 17. The efficacy of radiotherapy depend on the number of cells needed to be sterilised.
Why do I have Hypofractionation?
Using hypofractionation, or hypofractionated radiation therapy, more doses of radiation are delivered per treatment, so patients can complete their course of radiation therapy much faster than conventional treatment.
What is Hypofractionation radiation?
(HY-poh-FRAK-shuh-NAY-ted RAY-dee-AY-shun THAYR-uh-pee) Radiation treatment in which the total dose of radiation is divided into large doses and treatments are given once a day or less often. Hypofractionated radiation therapy is given over a shorter period of time (fewer days or weeks) than standard radiation therapy.
How long is brachytherapy surgery?
Description. Brachytherapy takes 30 minutes or more, depending on the type of therapy you have. Before the procedure, you will be given medicine so that you do not feel pain.
Is IMRT hypofractionated radiation therapy?
What is hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy?
Hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (HSR) is an effective and safe treatment for brain metastases greater than 3 cm, not amenable to single high-dose RS (5, 6). Patients with brain metastases from ‘radioresistant’ tumors (i.e. sarcoma, metastatic melanoma, renal cell carcinoma) have a poor prognosis.
Why do we fractionate?
Repair. Fractionation increases the destructive effect on tumor cells while minimizing damage to healthy cells due to the different ability of normal cells and malignant cells to repair DNA damage.
How long is a fraction of radiotherapy?
Conventional Fractionation Given over 6-7 weeks. This is the most common type of fractionation and is used in many types of cancer.
Why is radiation given in fractionated doses?
Fractionating radiotherapy allows cells which are closer to sources of oxygen to be killed first, and the intervening time between fractions allows the relatively hypoxic cells to improve their oxygen supply. These cells are then more sensitive to subsequent doses of radiation.
What is Hyperfractionation and Accelerated fractionation?
These approaches have included hyperfractionation (two or three fractions per day with a lower dose per fraction over the standard treatment duration), accelerated fractionation (use of a standard fraction size and total radiation dose, given over a shorter overall time), or a combination of these approaches.
What is the difference between standard and Hyperfractionation radiation therapy?
In hyperfractionation, the total dose of radiation remains approximately the same as in standard therapy, but it is given in smaller doses 2 or 3 times per day. Hyperfractionation is the use of large fractions smaller than standard dose per fraction per day.
What is fractionation in Radiation Oncology?
Radiation oncology The delivery of radiation in small-dose fractions 2 to 3 times/day to minimize damage to normal tissue typical of smaller fractions. See Fractionation. Cf Accelerated fractionation.
How does Hyperfractionation affect the proliferation of cancer cells?
It is easily seen that hyperfractionation (dose delivery is fractionated in more than once a day during treatment) affects the proliferation of normal and cancer cells in a way that death occurs after a longer period which prolongs lifetime of patient.