What is the difference between the relative refractory period and hyperpolarization?
During the relative refractory period, the cell is hyperpolarized due to the removal of potassium ions from the cell interior, which results in a more negative membrane potential than the cell would have at rest.
What is the relative refractory period caused by?
The refractory periods are due to the inactivation property of voltage-gated sodium channels and the lag of potassium channels in closing.
What is the difference between absolute refractory and relative refractory period?
Absolute and relative refractory periods. During the absolute refractory period, a second stimulus (no matter how strong) will not excite the neuron. During the relative refractory period, a stronger than normal stimulus is needed to elicit neuronal excitation.
What is the difference between the effective refractory period and the relative refractory period?
The main difference between absolute and relative refractory period is that absolute refractory period is the period of time during which a second action potential absolutely cannot be initiated whereas relative refractory period is the interval immediately after the absolute refractory period.
Which statement best describes the relative refractory period?
Which of the following statements correctly describes the relative refractory period? It is the period in which even a weak impulse can cause another depolarization.
Which is true for the relative refractory period?
The correct answer is c – the relative refractory period is defined as the phase of the action potential during which a new action potential can be… See full answer below.
Are K channels open during relative refractory period?
While the K+ channels are open, the cell is in the relative refractory period. Only a very large depolarization will cause a signal, because as the Na+ flows in, in an attempt to create an action potential, the K+ will flow out, short-circuiting the attempt.
What is the major difference between effective absolute refractory period ERP Arp and relative refractory period RRP )?
The total refractory period is comprised of the (1) absolute refractory period (ARP) or effective refractory period (ERP), which is the period during which an electrical stimulus will not elicit an AP because the membrane is not sufficiently repolarized and sodium channels have not completely recovered; (2) relative …
Why is it harder to fire a second action potential in the relative refractory period?
Why is it harder to generate a second action potential during the relative refractory period? A greater stimulus is required because voltage-gated potassium channels that oppose depolarization are open during this time.
How does refractory period influence direction of impulse?
It means that once it has started going in a direction (any direction) it cannot go back on itself because the section of the neurone immediately behind the action potential is still repolarising (getting its sodiums and potassiums sorted out again) so an action potential would not be able to be created there.
Which answer best describes the relative refractory period in the neuron?
Which answer best describes the relative refractory period in the neuron? The resting membrane potential is restored, but concentrations of sodium and potassium are not restored to their original state.
What happens during the relative refractory period of an action potential?
During the relative refractory period, a stronger than normal stimulus is needed to elicit neuronal excitation. After the absolute refractory period, Na+ channels begin to recover from inactivation and if strong enough stimuli are given to the neuron, it may respond again by generating action potentials.
How do the voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels produce an action potential?
The components of an action potential The movement of K+ ions outward establishes the inside-negative membrane potential characteristic of most cells. (b) Opening of gated Na+ channels permits an influx of sufficient Na+ ions to cause a reversal of the membrane potential.