Is C-section easier than natural birth?
A cesarean delivery (or C-section) is different — not harder, not easier — than a vaginal delivery. A C-section is a type of abdominal surgery, so it comes with a period of discomfort and recovery — just like any other surgery.
Why is normal delivery better?
Natural childbirth benefits babies in their gut: In the long run, babies born through a caesarean section are more prone to asthma, allergies and infections. Without natural birth the babies miss out on the good bacteria present in the mother’s body. This plays a major role in the immune system of the child.
Why do doctors prefer natural birth?
Vaginal births typically avoid the risks associated with major surgery, such as severe bleeding, scarring, infections, reactions to anesthesia and longer-lasting pain. And because major surgery is not involved, a mother may be able to begin breastfeeding sooner.
What is the difference between a normal delivery and a C-section?
A normal or vaginal delivery is a natural process by which a baby is born. Your cervix thins and opens, and your uterus contracts to push your baby down the birth canal and out of your vagina. A cesarean section or c-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through a cut in the mother’s abdomen rather than the vagina.
What is a cesarean delivery?
Cesarean delivery is the surgical delivery of a baby by making an incision in the mother’s abdominal wall and uterus. Although cesarean delivery is generally safe, it should be performed during certain circumstances. About 30% of all babies in the United States are born through cesarean delivery.
Is vaginal delivery safer than cesarean delivery?
Vaginal delivery has far fewer risks to both the mother and baby than cesarean delivery. Each has its own set of positives and negatives. In absence of any contraindications, vaginal birth is a natural way of giving birth, but it is prudent to discuss with your doctor, which is a safer option for you in your current condition.
What is a normal delivery in pregnancy?
Delivery of a full-term newborn baby (37-42 weeks from the last menses of mother) through the vagina without the use of forceps or vacuum for assistance is called a normal delivery of a baby. It is the most preferred option of delivery in the United States, that is, almost two of every three deliveries are normal. What does cesarean delivery mean?