Are there three correct ways to write the plural of octopus?
Rule of thumb: if English gets the opportunity to trip you up, it will. The current champion in the Battle of Troublesome Pluralization is octopus, which, depending on which dictionary is consulted, may be written in three different ways: octopi, octopuses, and octopodes.
What is the plural of octopus Merriam-Webster?
Grammatically speaking, the plural for octopus is octopuses. As the Merriam-Webster dictionary points out, people use three different terms, however: octopi, octopuses, and octopodes. While “octopi” has become popular in modern usage, it’s wrong.
Is it octopus’s or octopus?
Octopus’s is correct. The other form, with the trailing apostrophe, is for plurals: “The cars’ engines were all running hot.”
What do you call a group of octopuses?
A group of octopuses is called a consortium. Collective Noun.
What is the plural of octopus in the Oxford dictionary?
The Oxford English Dictionary lists octopuses, octopi, and octopodes (the order reflecting decreasing frequency of use), stating that the last form is rare. The online Oxford dictionary states that the standard plural is octopuses, that octopodes is still occasionally used, and that octopi is incorrect.
What do you call a group of octopus?
A group of octopuses is called a consortium. Collective Noun. Usage. consortium. a consortium of octopuses.
What’s the plural of hippopotamus?
noun. hip·po·pot·a·mus | \ ˌhi-pə-ˈpä-tə-məs \ plural hippopotamuses or hippopotami\ ˌhi-pə-ˈpä-tə-ˌmī , -(ˌ)mē \
What is the plural of squid?
noun. plural squid or squids. Britannica Dictionary definition of SQUID. [count] : a sea animal that has a long, thin, soft body and 10 long arms.
What’s the plural of giraffe?
The plural form of giraffe is giraffes or giraffe.
What is a plural of platypus?
plural platypuses also platypi\ ˈpla-ti-ˌpī , -ˌpē \
What is the plural of jellyfish?
jellyfish. Plural. jellyfish or jellyfishes. The plural form of jellyfish; more than one (kind of) jellyfish.