Are trains running from Chennai to Madurai?
The train that runs first from Chennai to Madurai is 12688 Cdg Mdu Sf Exp. From Chennai it arrives at Madurai taking almost 10hr 15min hours. This train departs from Chennai MAS at 03:35:00 and arrives in Madurai MDU at 13:50:00. The days on which this train operates are Wed, Sun.
Is Tejas Express from Chennai to Madurai running now?
The departure time for 22671 Tejas Express from Chennai Egmore is 06:00. The arrival time to Madurai Jn is 12:04….22671 Tejas Express Running Status.
Station | Chennai Egmore – |
Arrival Status Actual/Scheduled | Source |
Departure Status Actual/Scheduled | 06:00 06:00 |
Delay | On Time |
PF/Halt | – Source |
At what time does the Vaigai express start from Chennai and arrive at Madurai?
Vaigai Exp 12635 runs from Chennai Egmore to Madurai Jn, 7 days. The Vaigai Exp 12635 mail express departs from Chennai Egmore at 01:50 hrs and arrives at Madurai Jn at 09:15 hrs. The total running duration of Vaigai Exp train is 7hr 25min, stopping at 11 stations during the journey.
When Tejas train will start from Chennai to Madurai?
The Tejas Express 22671 mail express departs from Chennai Egmore at 06:00 hrs and arrives at Madurai Jn at 12:15 hrs. The total running duration of Tejas Express train is 6hr 15min, stopping at 4 stations during the journey.
Is food served in Madurai Tejas Express?
Snacks Hot samosa with tomato ketchup, barone chocolate, haldirams salted peanut (this might vary for each day), parle biscuit, Tea/Coffee. This snacks served as soon as train departs MDU… and after TPJ it is served for TPJ boarding peoples.
Do we get seat in 2S?
2S refers to second seating or second seater in train seats. The seats are present in the form of benches. This coach does not have the facility for the passengers to sleep since there are no berths and it is a sitting arrangement.
What is the timing of Tejas Express?
The Csmt Tejas Exp 22120 mail express departs from Karmali at 12:05 hrs and arrives at C Shivaji Mah T at 11:15 hrs. The total running duration of Csmt Tejas Exp train is 11hr 10min, stopping at 8 stations during the journey.