Can an ear infection cause a stiff neck?
A bad ear infection can cause pain as well as swollen glands in your neck. This may cause your neck to feel stiff. If you have a stiff neck and a bad headache or fever, it could be something much more serious like meningitis.
Can a sore throat cause a stiff neck?
Some people may experience a sore throat that occurs along with a stiff neck. There are a few reasons why these symptoms may occur together, such as injury or infection. It’s also possible that a sore throat can cause a stiff neck, and vice versa.
What causes sore throat headache and neck pain?
Sore throat and headache are common symptoms. Often, they’re signs of a viral or bacterial infection. For a viral infection, you most likely won’t need medications. The virus will clear up on its own in about a week.
What does a meningitis stiff neck feel like?
Meningitis neck pain feels different. It gets worse when you stretch, and can involve more than just your neck and shoulder area. “Moving the neck up or down stretches the inflamed tissues of the meninges, which causes an intense, deep pain that may extend into the head or down the back,” says Even.
Where is neck pain with meningitis?
Meningitis can cause a stiff neck. This is because it causes inflammation and infection in the meninges surrounding the brain and spine. A person will likely feel the stiffness from the inflammation most noticeably in their neck, which is the most mobile area that the meninges cover.
When should I worry about neck and sore throat?
People should see their doctor if they experience a severe or persistent sore throat that does not respond to at-home treatment. They should also seek medical care if they experience severe neck pain that does not go away or spreads to other parts of the body.
What is a sore throat in COVID?
“It feels worse on the first day of infection but gets better on each following day,” officials state. App users have said that their COVID sore throat also feels like a sore throat they experienced from a cold of a laryngitis. They say that the symptoms are not very severe, but “relatively mild”.
How long can you have meningitis without knowing?
Typically, symptoms of bacterial meningitis develop within 3 to 7 days after exposure; note, this is not true for TB meningitis, which can develop much later after exposure to the bacteria. People with bacterial meningitis can have seizures, go into a coma, and even die.
How can you rule out meningitis at home?
Gently and slowly push on the back of your neck so that your head moves forward. For better results, have someone do this for you. Note if your hips and knees flex involuntarily as you raise your head. This is a positive Brudzinski sign, meaning that you may have meningitis.