Can I reenlist with reentry code re-3P?
If a Navy veteran with a reenlistment code of RE-3P wishes to rejoin the military, he must obtain a waiver from the office of the Commander, Navy Recruiting Command, commonly referred to as COMNAVCRUITCOM. If a waiver is granted, the former sailor will be notified and can then reenlist in the military.
What does reentry code 3 mean on my DD214?
RE-3 – Individuals who are not qualified for continued Army service, but the disqualification is waiverable. Ineligible for enlistment unless a waiver is granted.
What is a re 3O?
Pursuant to reference (b), an RE-3O is assigned to enlisted Marines who refuse to extend or reenlist to deploy or incur obligated service for orders received. The Page 11 entry is required, and it must state the reason for the assignment of the RE-3O code.
What is an RE-4 reenlistment code?
If you’ve received an RE-4 code, that means you are ineligible for enlistment in the military except for certain moral and administration disqualifications.
How do you get back in the military with an RE 3?
Answer: The RE code (Reentry Eligibility code) is determined by the reason for separation, not the character of separation. The RE code is not upgraded to allow enlistment. Soldiers separated with an RE-3 or RE-4 code must seek a waiver from a recruiter to enlist.
Can I get my re code changed?
To change your RE code, you may need to apply to the Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR) or Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR). Your recruiter may be able to help you (or refer you to someone who can help).
How do I get a re 3 waiver?
You have to work with a recruiter who helps you initiate a waiver request. I would assume the USNUSMC works the same way. AR 601-210 Chapter 3 will give you an idea of what you are up against.
What is a code 3 in the Army?
In the U.S. Army, RE Code 3 refers to those no longer qualified to enlist but who may do so if they are able to provide an appropriate waiver. Its subsections A, B, and C refer specifically to individuals who have not met certain length of service, pay-grade or aptitude requirements.
What does JGA mean on a DD-214?
entry level status performance and conduct
Rather, his DD Form 214 reflects that he received an uncharacterized discharge for his service ending in May 1993. The separation code is JGA (entry level status performance and conduct). The narrative reason for his separation that appears on the DD 214 is “ENTRY LEVEL STATUS PERFORMANCE AND CONDUCT.”
How do I get a waiver for re code 3?
What does reentry code RE 2 mean?
Ineligible for reenlistment
RE-2: Ineligible for reenlistment or recommended for reenlistment but ineligible because of one of the following statuses: Fleet Reservist Retired (except for transfer to Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL), Commissioned Officer. Warrant Officer, Midshipman, Cadet.
What does separation code Jfx mean?
separated due to a personality disorder
The separation code was “JFX” also indicating that the Veteran was separated due to a personality disorder. The Veteran’s computer generated Department of Defense (DoD) record shows that the Veteran’s separation was for a Condition Interfering with Duty (CIWD).
What is an RE code in the military?
When a Servicemember is discharged from military service, they are provided a reenlistment code (RE-Code). The code is used to determine the Servicemember’s eligibility for continued service after the most recent termination of their contracted period.
Can I get my reenlistment code changed?
What is a reenlistment code re-3p?
Each military discharge is assigned a reenlistment code. A discharge code of RE-3P is assigned to former sailors who were discharged from the Navy for medical reasons.
What is an re-4r code?
RE-4R: Individuals retiring after 20 or more years of active federal service under Title 10, U.S. Code 3914 or 3917 are ineligible for enlistment. Reasons for separation – not the character of separation – determine RE (re-entry eligibility) codes. Soldiers separated under RE-3 or RE-4 codes must seek a waiver from a recruiter to enlist.
Can You reenlist with a re code in the Navy?
Military Re-Code Navy Reenlistment Eligibility Chart. For reenlistment eligibility into the Navy only. For example, a discharge code from the Army of RE-2C would be eligible w/o a waiver; whereas an RE-2C from the Air Force would not be eligible for waiver consideration whatsoever.
What does re-3m mean in the Navy?
RE-3M: Ineligible for reenlistment in current rating. RE-3N: Importance to national health, safety or interest. RE-3P: Physical disability (includes discharge and transfer to TDRL). RE-3Q: Disqualified for officer candidate training due to inability to meet physical qualifications for appointment as an officer in the naval service.