Can Siamese algae eater live with discus?
This fish is a very good algae eater and scavenger. I’ve rarely seen them cause any trouble with discus. Sometimes these fish are a bit skittish and that can frighten a discus.
What plecos can I keep with discus?
Bristlenose Plecos, Zebra Plecos and Orange Spot Plecos stay quite small and actually make great tank mates for Discus. Although Dristlenoses are often reported to prefer cooler temperatures, Discus keepers have found they will tolerate Discus temperatures as long as things don’t get too toasty.
What can I put with discus?
Some suitable aquarium mates include cardinal tetras, neons, emperor and rummynose tetras as well as clown loaches and dwarf cichlids, such as rams and Apistogramma species. All of these fish tolerate the high temperatures and low pH/hardness required by discus.
Can you keep tetras with discus?
Tetras are an excellent and popular choice to pair with discus. The benefit of these fish is their passive schooling behavior. These “dither fish” bring a sense of calm to a tank simply by swimming in the open water.
Are gouramis compatible with discus?
These peaceful fish do well with discus. Though all types of gouramis are said to be compatible with discus, it is advisable to go for dwarf gouramis and pearl gouramis. Make sure that the tank is densely-planted, if you plan to get gouramis as tank mates for discus.
Can discus live with shrimp?
Typical algivores like Amano- or Dwarf shrimp can only be kept in a discus tank with certain restrictions. Due to their small size, the invertebrates check out as “food” for the fish, so the shrimp should be big enough (like mature, female Amano shrimp, usually offered as XL shrimp in trade).
What’s the best substrate for discus fish?
fine sand
Substrate. While plant aquarists swear by the use of active soil substrates, fine sand is indubitably the first choice in a pure discus tank.
What are the best algae eaters for discus?
The other factor that makes the Siamese algae eater the best tank mates for discus is their tank size requirement, which is around 20 gallons. 2. Dwarf Gouramis
What can you put in a discus fish tank?
Additionally, you can also keep Apisto Agassizi, Siamese algae eater, Pencil Fish, Loaches, Panda Cory, Corydoras Sterbai, Marbled Hatchetfish, Assassin Snails, and German Blue Ram in your Discus fish tank. Can I Put Discus In A Community Tank?
Are discus fish good tank mates?
They are compatible tank mates for Discus fish because they only grow up to 2 inches in length and have a shorter life span of around 1 year or so. Because they are smaller freshwater fish, they only require a tank as small as 20 gallons.
What are the best algae eaters for freshwater tanks?
In it, you’ll see what species we consider to be the best algae eaters (fish, snails, and shrimp) for freshwater tanks with some helpful info about each. Note: We’ve written in-depth care guides about many of these animals already, so if you want to learn more just click the links in each section!