Can you have multiple romances in Star Wars: The Old Republic?
Nope only one. If you romance two, you are eventually confronted by the two and have to pick.
Who can you romance in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?
Players can flirt with Lana, Koth and Theron regardless of their prior relationship status with Lana or Theron (although it may be mentioned). If flirtations have been successful, then a chance to trigger a romance with one of the three will become available in Chapter X.
Is there romance in the Old Republic?
There are many romances available in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Some are limited to specific classes or genders, and more are unlocked later in the storylines and expansions.
What does flirting do in Star Wars: The Old Republic?
You take a small Affection hit when you flirt with another where she hears it and a much bigger one if you sleep with someone and that can result in funny dialogue too. But you can always compensate for that with Companion Gifts. You can even be married twice .
Can you fall in love in SWTOR?
NOTE: Your romance options are currently limited by your character’s class and gender, but BioWare has confirmed to include same-sex romance later on, which will open up more romance possibilities in future patches.
How do you flirt with Vette?
The player can choose “[FLIRT] Interrupt away.” to continue the romance. When you choose [FLIRT], a box will pop up that says “This choice will resume your romance with Vette, Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in.
Can you flirt as a Jedi in SWTOR?
If you’re seriously going to play as a follow the code Jedi, I’d avoid most if not all flirt choices. Jedi are kind to all and they know how to joke, but they do not make advances or try to seduce under any normal circumstance. But its up to you how you RP your character.
Can you romance Vette as dark side?
Romance conflicts: If the player chooses to romance dark side Jaesa and Vette, Vette will eventually confront the player, while Jaesa says she is open to sharing on multiple occasions. Vette will ask the player to choose if they want to be with her or Jaesa.
Can you romance Vette as Sith Warrior?
Vette is the first companion for the Sith Warrior class. Vette can eventually lead into a romantic storyline with the male Sith Warrior.
When can I flirt with Vette?
In order to romance Vette, you basically have to start at lvl 1 & make choices in her conversations that are “nice & light sided”. He said he got the flirt options with Jaesa, which means he was playing through the vanilla story.
Can you have romance with Vette in swtor?
Can you marry Vette?
As a male Sith Warrior, players have the option of romancing and even marrying Vette.
How does the Jedi Knight find other Jedi on Corellia?
The Jedi Knight is named commander of Jedi forces on Corellia and has help Republic fight Imeperials and find Braga. He finds other Jedi on Corellia. Meeting with Var Suthra, the Knight assigns a mission for the Jedi.
How does the Jedi Knight defeat the emperor of the Empire?
The Jedi Knight confronts the Emperor in the temple’s throne room. The duel ends with the Emperor’s death and the temple collapses. The Knight and his team return to the Republic and receive their rewards for their fight against the Empire.
What does the Knight do in the Last Jedi?
As Republic and Imperial forces gather for a final devastating clash, the Knight joins a daring plot to capture the Sith Emperor and force a peaceful surrender. The stubbornly confident and charismatic Jedi Master Tol Braga, mastermind of this mission, guides the Knight’s search for lost secrets of the Empire.
What happens at the end of the Last Jedi?
These victories come at great cost, however. Legendary Jedi heroes and stalwart Republic soldiers pay for each world saved with their own lives. As Darth Angral bings the Desolator superweapon to bear on the Jedi homeworld of Tython, the Knight races to confront Angral in a final duel to decide the fate of the Jedi Order.