What is normal post void residual volume? Postvoid Residual Measurement Less than 50 mL of residual urine is normal, and 200 mL or greater is abnormal (Nitti and Blaivas, 2007). Portable ultrasound units can also estimate postvoid residual urine. How can post void residual urine be reduced? Your provider may prescribe an antibiotic to prevent…
Category: Other
Does Project Free TV still exist?
Does Project Free TV still exist? Sadly, the Project Free TV website was shut down in 2017. Since not everyone is willing to pay for cable or streaming services, many people are exploring other options. Is Project Free TV free? However, with Project Free TV, everything is free. All you have to do is go…
What is soft cast?
What is soft cast? Soft cast is a semi-rigid material. It offers support in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, minor injuries in adults and greenstick fractures in children. It can be applied alone or in combination with other synthetic rigid materials, such as fibreglass, allowing it versatility, ease of use and simple removal. Can…
Who started Nihangs?
Who started Nihangs? Meanwhile, according to one account, Nihangs originated with Guru Hargobind, who established schools to teach an elite warrior class known as the Akali Nihang after the Mughals murdered his predecessor, Guru Arjan Dev, for refusing to convert to Islam. How many Nihangs are there in the world? There are about 14 major…
Which country does the company song come from?
Which country does the company song come from? “Company” is a song by Canadian singer Justin Bieber from his fourth studio album Purpose (2015). Written by Bieber, Poo Bear, James Abrahart, Andreas Schuller, Thomas Troelsen, James Wong and Leroy Clampitt, the song was produced by Axident, Gladius, Big Taste and co-produced by Boyd. Who wrote…
How many votes is a cloture?
How many votes is a cloture? In 1917, in response to pressure from President Woodrow Wilson and the crisis of the First World War, the Senate adopted a new rule establishing a procedure known as “cloture.” This allowed the Senate to end debate with a two-thirds vote of those duly chosen and sworn (67 votes…
How do I convert a PDF to InDesign CS6?
How do I convert a PDF to InDesign CS6? To convert a PDF file choose the “PDF2ID – Convert PDF/XPS file” command from the Recosoft menu. Note that PDF2ID also converts Windows XPS files to fully editable InDesign files. Once you choose the “PDF2ID – Convert PDF/XPS file” command, a PDF/XPS files window appears. Choose…
Is Miranda a clone Mass Effect?
Is Miranda a clone Mass Effect? Using a modified copy of his own genome, Miranda was genetically engineered to be a specimen of human perfection. She never had a mother, as she was not conceived naturally. She was not the first “daughter” he ever designed, just the first he kept. Is Yvonne Strahovski in Mass…
Is cord blood and tissue banking worth it?
Is cord blood and tissue banking worth it? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics don’t recommend routine cord blood storage. The groups say private banks should be used only when there’s a sibling with a medical condition who could benefit from the stem cells. How much does CBR…
What does AAA Five Diamond mean?
What does AAA Five Diamond mean? The AAA Five Diamond Award is an independent hotel appraisal system rewarded by the AAA (American Automobile Association) to hotels in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. It can be compared to the 5 Star hotehotel classification system, known in Europe and other parts of the world. What…