Missä on Teksti-tv? Koko Ylen Teksti-TV-sisältö löytyy Kansallisen audiovisuaalisen instituutin (KAVI) nettisivuilta vuodesta 2009 saakka. Teksti-tv-sivut on tallennettu selailtavaan arkistoversioon kuuden tunnin välein 22.4.2009 alkaen. Arkisto löytyy osoitteesta www.rtva.kavi.fi/teletext Mutta huom. Onko Teksti-tv lopetettu? Aihetta on käsitelty Elisan tukisivuilla laajasti – muutos astui voimaan Elisa Viihteen palveluissa heinäkuussa 2021. Varmuuden vuoksi: kukaan ei ole lopettamassa…
Category: Review
Who is the best FNV companion?
Who is the best FNV companion? Raul Tejada is, without a doubt, the best companion in Fallout New Vegas. His perk, Old Vaquero, improves the rate of fire of revolvers and lever-action firearms by 33%. His other perk, Full maintenance, is a buffed version of the regular maintenance perk. Can you get Ulysses as a…
How can I get less throat hits?
How can I get less throat hits? For a Gentler Throat Hit Decrease your nicotine strength: You might need to vape a bit more to feel satisfied, but lower nicotine strengths are better for a gentle throat hit. Use higher-VG vape juices: VG is great for clouds, but the throat hit is really smooth at…
What is the best latex ITE driveway sealer?
What is the best latex ITE driveway sealer? Latexite® Ultra Shield™ Driveway Filler Sealer is our top of the line high performance asphalt driveway sealer. Ultra Shield™ is formulated using an advanced technology that incorporates a flexible polymer system so not only will the sealer adhere to your driveway better it will adhere to itself…
How do I know if my WoW server is up?
How do I know if my WoW server is up? Blizzard has an official Realm Status page on the website that lists all of the various realms for both the modern game and WoW Classic. You can see every realm listed with their type, population size, timezone, and location. You can also swap the region…
What is the message of a healthy life?
What is the message of a healthy life? “He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.” “Let’s build wellness rather than treat disease.” “A healthy outside starts from the inside.” “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” Who Quote health is wealth? philosopher…
What is the projected population of the world?
What is the projected population of the world? Based on this, the UN Population Division projects the world population, which is 7.8 billion as of 2020, to level out around 2100 at 10.9 billion (the median line), assuming a continuing decrease in the global average fertility rate from 2.5 births per woman during the 2015–2020…
Who was the final boss in Super Mario Land 2?
Who was the final boss in Super Mario Land 2? Final Boss: The Big Bird is the final level of the Tree Zone in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. This level takes place at the top of the tree. The Big Bird is fought at the end of this level. What happens when…
How far is Cape to Cape MTB?
How far is Cape to Cape MTB? Roughly 210km and 2,500 of climbing in total, each day’s riding is between 45 and 65km and has a variety of riding terrain. Entries for the 2022 event open on 25 November via the the official website. Can you cycle cape to cape? Be bike prepared Trails around…
Why did Dodge discontinue the Magnum?
Why did Dodge discontinue the Magnum? Dodge dropped the Magnum after 2008 for reasons that should become clear if you think about what happened to the economy that year. Before that, the Magnum sold decently—for a station wagon—in America, with sales topping the 50,000 mark at least one year. What’s a Dodge Magnum? The Dodge…