Does amyloid stain Congo red?
Histochemical properties Amyloid stains pink with H&E and metachromatically with crystal violet and methyl violet. It stains selectively with Congo red; in addition, amyloid stained by Congo red gives an apple-green birefringence when viewed in polarized light (Fig.
What Colour does Congo red stain amyloid?
It is commonly thought that CR-stained amyloid has an orange-red appearance under light microscopy and apple-green birefringence under polarised light during in vitro investigations and in vivo histological studies using tissue sections [9,147].
What stain is used for amyloidosis?
Congo Red and Thioflavin S are the two major histological stains used to detect any form of amyloid. These dyes bind to the characteristic β-pleated sheet conformation of amyloid.
What does Congo red stain do?
Congo red stain is used for the visual detection of amyloid in muscle and nerve fresh frozen sections in patients who have amyloidosis. The dyeing of amyloid is by a mechanism similar to the direct textile dyeing of cotton.
What type of stain is Congo red?
azo dye
It is an azo dye. Congo red is water-soluble, yielding a red colloidal solution; its solubility is greater in organic solvents.
How does Congo red bind to amyloid?
CR binds to amyloid fibrils formed by both hydrophobic peptides (such as Aβ peptide) and hydrophilic peptides (such as GNNQQNY) and induces green-yellow birefringence under polarized light. Two binding modes have been proposed. One mode is β-sheet specific in which the CR molecules are aligned along the fibril axes.
Why does Congo red turn black?
This is because these bacteria do not ferment any other sugars that may be necessary to release certain metabolites, which combine with Congo red to impart a black colour to the colonies indicating slime production.
Would you use Congo red for positive staining?
Our results showed that the artifacted border is strongly positive for Congo red (even after treatment with permanganate of potassium). It also showed apple-green birefringence when observed under polarized light. Nevertheless, it failed to express any of the markers investigated in the immunohistochemical study.
Is Congo red a negative stain?
The Congo Red Capsule stain is a modification of the nigrosin negative stain you may have done previously. The bacteria take up the congo red dye and the background is stained then with acid fuchsin dye. The capsule or slime layers, highly hydrated polymers, exclude both dyes.
What disease processes can Congo red identify?
The aggregation of proteins in amyloid structure, a process described in mammals and fungus and bacteria, is implied in about 36 human diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes.
Is Congo red used in Gram staining?
In histology and microscopy, Congo red is used for staining in amyloidosis, and for the cell walls of plants and fungi, and for the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.
Is Congo red used in gram staining?
In histology, the Congo red is used for staining amyloidosis, other amyloids in cell wall of plants, fungi and outer membrane of Gram Negative bacteria.
What are the diseases associated with Congo red stain?
Common diseases for Congo red stain include primary amyloidosis, AL amyloid seen in plasma cell dyscrasias, AA amyloid associated with inflammatory conditions Amyloidosis is a rare disease characterized by the deposition of insoluble misfolded proteins in various tissues and organs
Which staining findings are characteristic of lichen amyloidosis?
(Figure 5) Crystal violet stain with appropriate controls demonstrated positive staining with amyloid deposits in the papillary dermis. (Figure 6) These pathological findings in this clinical setting were consistent with lichen amyloidosis.
Which stain is used to demonstrate amyloid in tissue sections?
Congo red stain is the gold standard for the demonstration of amyloid in tissue sections It is used to evaluate the presence and extent of amyloidosis in different organs
Why is Congo red stain not visible under polarised light?
Under polarised light, other structures stained by Congo red, such as collagen, are not visible. When the paraffin sections utilised are too thin (5m) or the tissue is too highly coloured, Congo red staining for amyloid can be challenging.