Does cc still mean carbon copy?
We’re copying you on this just for your reference. Cc and bcc stand for “carbon copy” and “blind carbon copy,” respectively. This meaning comes from the use of carbon paper, which was used to make copies of documents by pressing pigment onto an additional sheet of paper underneath.
What is a courtesy copy?
In litigation, a paper copy of a document filed with the court that the filing party sends directly to the judge’s chambers.
Is cc and copy the same?
Although “carbon copy” and “courtesy copy” are noun phrases, “cc” is generally used rather as a verb that can be inflected depending on the intended tense. So, when we need to “cc” someone, that simply means we have to send that person a copy of the email or file that is being referred to.
How do you address a CC in an email?
If you’re typing a new message, the “CC” option will appear to the right of the “To” field. Click “CC” to open up the CC field, and type in the recipient’s email address. 4. If you’re replying to an email thread, click on the email address in the “To” field.
How do you CC in a formal letter?
Under your signature, type “CC” and place two to four spaces between your signature and the CC line. Now enter the names of everyone who will be CC’d on this letter.
How do you write CC in an email?
To add a CC recipient, click on the downward arrow on the top right corner in the To address box, as shown below. This will display the CC and BCC fields. In the CC field, enter the mail addresses of the recipients who’ll receive a copy of the email. Compose your message and hit Send.
Does cc Mean courtesy?
courtesy copy (plural courtesy copies) (Abbreviated as: CC, C.C. or c.c.) (originally) A carbon copy. (Internet) A copy of an email sent to a person other than the main recipient, to keep them informed.
Why would you send a courtesy copy of an email?
That’s why “Cc” is commonly understood to mean “courtesy copy.” The primary purpose of the “Cc” field is to keep someone in the loop, even if a message doesn’t directly concern them. “Cc” recipients are not expected to take action or respond to the email, but they can if they want to.
Is it cc or C in a letter?
The term c.c. was originally used to indicate a carbon copy. We no longer use carbon paper. Some people now refer to c.c. as courtesy copy – whatever that means. You only need one “c.” Keep in mind the rules for abbreviations.
What is a courtesy copy of an email?
What is CC in letter format?
Originally used in business letters, the abbreviation cc stands for carbon copy. Carbon paper was a kind of paper, covered with a dark ink on the back side, that could be used to make one or more additional copies of a letter or other document. These copies were called “carbon copies.”
How do you include a CC in an email?
The “CC” field is usually found within your email composition window, below the “To” field and above the “BCC” field. All you need to do is add your primary contact in the “To” field and then include the contacts you wish to share the thread within the “CC” field.
How do you use CC in a sentence?
verb (used with object), cc’ed or cc’d, cc·’ing. to send a duplicate of a document, email, or the like to: I always cc my boss when I write a memo to my staff. to send (a duplicate of a document, email, or the like) to someone: Jim, please cc this to each of the department heads.
Where do you put a cc on a letter?
Carbon Copies In a hardcopy business letter or a . pdf version of a letter that you attach to an email, you’d add the cc abbreviation at the bottom of the letter, after your closing and signature, along with the names and, when appropriate, titles of everybody else who receives a copy.
How do you say you CC someone in an email?
Business emails are effective when they are concise, so that’s why it’s better to say cc’d or copied. So, you could say “I’ve cc’d Robert on this email.” Meaning the email goes to Matt for example, but Robert can also see it to keep him in the loop.
How do you include cc in a letter?
Where do you put cc on a formal letter?
The CC section of a written business letter is found at the bottom of the page. When you use email, the CC section is found in the address header. But even in emails, official business letters will often include the CC section at the bottom of the body of the letter.
What does ‘carbon copy’ mean?
carbon copy. A carbon copy (cc) is a person that has no personality and tries to emulate yours exactly. A.K.A.- the shadow, mini me, or twin brother from another mother. Obsessive Carbon Copy Disorder. The compulsion to CC your boss or colleagues on every damn email you send!
How do you use carbon copy?
‘Blind carbon copy’ is a way of sending emails to multiple people without them knowing who else is receiving the email. Any emails in the BCC field will be invisible to everyone else in the To and CC fields. BCC should only be used when it isn’t a personal email and you want to keep the receipts email private.
Should I cc or BCC?
Using cc or bcc in email means that you send your message to one or more other people in addition to the primary recipients who are listed in the ‘to’ line. In contrast, when you list people in the bcc line, those listed will not be able to see everyone else who received it. Why is CC and BCC used in emails? Remember carbon copies?
What is courtesy copy?
courtesy copy ( plural courtesy copies) ( Abbreviated as: CC, C.C. or c.c. ) (originally) A carbon copy. ( Internet) A copy of an email sent to a person other than the main recipient, to keep them informed.