How can I check my registration status in Andhra Pradesh?
If you want to find vehicle owner details online in Andhra Pradesh then First visit to official website of Andhra Pradesh Transport Department Website : and select to top menu to Vehicle/Driving License Details. Now select action from drop down, select option a Vehicle details.
How can I know my RC status in Andhra Pradesh?
The applicants can check https://aprtacitizen. under ‘Track your smart card status’ tab.
How do I download RC AP Online?
For your RC book online download, you need to follow the steps mentioned below: Visit and register yourself. Under the tab ‘Issued Documents’, select Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. You will be redirected to a new screen, where you need to select ‘Registration of Vehicles’
How do I download car registration in AP?
Visit and register yourself.
- Under the tab ‘Issued Documents’, select Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
- You will be redirected to a new screen, where you need to select ‘Registration of Vehicles’
- You will then be prompted to enter your Registration number and your Chassis number.
How can I get my registration card online?
Channel 1: Website
- Visit and register yourself.
- Go to Licensing Services.
- Go to Licensing and select My Vehicle.
- Select your Vehicle and select more actions.
- Select Registration Card Replacement.
- Choose the most convenient way to get the permanent card delivered to you.
- Pay any fines and/or transaction fees.
How can I check my plate number is genuine?
All you need is a smart phone and access to the internet.
- In your browser, go to
- Enter your plate number in the provided space (with no hyphen in between)
- Click on the “verify” button.
How do I download AP RC online?
What are the types of vehicle registration in Andhra Pradesh?
There are two types of vehicle registration in Andhra Pradesh RTO Office: Temporary Vehicle Registration: It is allowed in cases where the owner of the vehicle has to take it to any other state. Temporary Vehicle Registration is not renewable and is valid only for 1 month
How to register an unregistered vehicle in India?
As per the laws of India, you cannot operate/drive an unregistered vehicle in a public place. The registration process starts with you submitting the vehicle registration application to the district transport office, within seven days of purchasing the vehicle. For temporary vehicle registration, you have to submit Form 20.
How do I get the details of a vehicle or registration?
You can get details such as the Regional Transport Office Address, Phone Number & Email ID. If you wish to instantly get the details of any other registration, enter the vehicle number in the search box below.
What is the procedure for permanent registration of a Motar vehicle?
Permanent Registration. An application for registration of a Motar Vehicle shall be made in Form 20 to the Registering Authority within a period of 7 days from the date of delivery of such vehicle excluding the period of journey and shall be accompained by Sales certificate in Form 21 Road worthiness certificate in Form 22 from…