How can I get current category name in WordPress?
To fetch the post category, you need to use something called as get_the_category() function. $the_cat = get_the_category(); This function returns the current post category if you use it inside a loop.
How do I find the specific category of a widget in WordPress?
In the WordPress sidebar, hover over Appearance and select Widgets from the pop-out contextual menu. Drag and drop the Categories widget from the list of Available Widgets on the left side of the screen into a location on the right side of the screen, such as Default Sidebar.
How do I get current category name in Woocommerce?
add_action(‘woocommerce_archive_description’, ‘woocommerce_category_description’, 2); function woocommerce_category_description() { if (is_product_category()) { global $wp_query; $cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); echo “CAT IS:”. print_r($cat,true); // the category needed. } }
How do I show all the categories on a WordPress page?
In menus, go to Appearance → Menus, select categories and click Add to Menus. In the sidebar, go to Appearance → Widgets, then choose the categories that you want to appear in the sidebar and click Add Widget. When you want to show subcategories in the sidebar, drag and drop categories to a Sidebar.
How do I find the category ID in WordPress?
You can also view your WordPress category ID by editing it. Simply open a category to edit, and you’ll see the category ID in the browser’s address bar. It is the same URL that appeared when there was a mouse hover on your category title.
How do I get current category name in WooCommerce?
Are permalinks and slugs the same?
Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual pages and blog posts, as well as your category and tag archives. Slugs are the URL-friendly names of your posts, pages, categories, and tags.
Where do I find Permalinks in WordPress?
In the wp-admin post or page editor the permalink is displayed under the title by default. You just click on the edit button beside the permalink to edit it.
How to get category ID using WP_get_post_categories?
When you use get_the_category () function to get category’s data, it return the array of object so you have to access category id by passing array key, like this $postcat [0]->term_id Hope this help! Show activity on this post. Old post I know, but wp_get_post_categories is likely what you want.
How to get the terms for custom taxonomies in WordPress?
For custom taxonomies use get_the_terms (). (int) (Optional) The post ID. Defaults to current post ID. ( WP_Term []) Array of WP_Term objects, one for each category assigned to the post. * Filters the array of categories to return for a post.
How to get category ID in Postcat?
Show activity on this post. When you use get_the_category () function to get category’s data, it return the array of object so you have to access category id by passing array key, like this $postcat [0]->term_id Hope this help!
How do I find the ID of a WordPress category?
Navigate to the Posts > Categories node from the WordPress Dashboard left hand side menu. Move the mouse over the name of the WordPress Category you would like to know the ID of (without clicking) and notice the URL that shows up at the bottom left corner of the browser, which is highlighted in the below screenshot.