How can I get session data in Yii?
Accessing Session Data To access the data stored in session, you can do the following: $session = Yii::$app->session; // get a session variable. The following usages are equivalent: $language = $session->get(‘language’); $language = $session[‘language’]; $language = isset($_SESSION[‘language’])?
Is Yii a framework?
Yes, it is! Yii is a fast, secure, and efficient PHP framework.
Is Yii framework Chinese?
> Fun fact: Yii was created by a Chinese speaking guy – Qiang Xue.
What is Phpsessid cookie?
PHPSESSID – The PHPSESSID cookie is native to PHP and enables websites to store serialised state data. It is used to establish a user session and to pass state data via a temporary cookie, which is commonly referred to as a session cookie. ( expires when you close your browser)
What is Yii framework used for?
Yii is a high-performance, component-based PHP framework for developing large-scale Web applications rapidly. It enables maximum reusability in Web programming and can significantly accelerate your Web application development process.
How do I run a project in Yii?
If you are new to Yii, we strongly recommend you stick to the Basic Project Template for its simplicity yet sufficient functionalities.
- Installing via Composer. Installing Composer.
- Installing from an Archive File.
- Other Installation Options.
- Installing Assets.
- Verifying the Installation.
- Configuring Web Servers.
What is GA session id?
Session ID is a random, unique string (GUID) which is scoped to the entire session. This means that all hits of the same session can be queried with the same ID.
Who uses Yii?
Who uses Yii? 290 companies reportedly use Yii in their tech stacks, including Deloitte, General, and Evergreenteam stack.
How does Yii Framework work?
Yii framework uses “Gii” tool, which is a web-based code scaffolding tool that is used to create code quickly. Using this, we can create templates in models, controllers, forums, modules, extensions, CRUD controlled actions, and views.
What is composer in Yii?
Yii 2 Composer Installer This is the composer installer for Yii framework 2.0 extensions. It implements a new composer package type named yii2-extension , which should be used by all Yii 2 extensions if they are distributed as composer packages.
How do I make my session secure?
Few Tips:
- Make sure you always use a new self generated session id on a successful login attempt.
- Try setting the session.
- Use https always throughout to ensure no one can sniff your session id.
- Store session id, remote IP information and compare for successive pages.
- set session.
How secure are php Sessions?
“Is a PHP session secure? PHP sessions are only as secure as your application makes them. PHP sessions will allow the client a pseudorandom string (“session ID”) for them to distinguish themselves with, but on the off chance that the string is intercepted by an attacker, the aggressor can imagine to be that client.
How to handle session in yii2 framework?
Yii Framework 2 : Session Handling. A session is a way to store information (in variables) to be used across multiple pages for individual users request. In plain PHP, we can access the session through the global variables $_SESSION. Now we will see ‘How to handle session in yii2’. Opening and Closing Sessions. Set Session Variable.
How to destroy a single session variable in Yii?
To destroy a single session variable, call the unset () function − Sessions allow data to be persisted across user requests. In PHP, you may access them through the $_SESSION variable. In Yii, you can get access to sessions via the session application component. Step 1 − Add the actionOpenAndCloseSession method to the SiteController.
What are the different session classes in yiiedis?
Yii also provides the following session classes implementing different session storage: yii\\web\\DbSession: stores session data in a database table. yii\\web\\CacheSession: stores session data in a cache with the help of a configured cache component. yiiedis\\Session: stores session data using redis as the storage medium.
How to store arbitrary data as flash data in yiiwebsession?
Like regular session data, you can store arbitrary data as flash data. When you call yiiwebSession::setFlash(), it will overwrite any existing flash data that has the same name. To append new flash data to an existing message of the same name, you may call yiiwebSession::addFlash() instead.