How can I get study leave?
(l) (a) Every application for study leave shall be submitted through proper channel to the authority competent to grant leave. (b) The course or courses of study contemplated by the Government servant and any examination which he proposes to undergo shall be clearly specified in such application.
Who is the competent authority to grant study leave within India?
—(1) Study leave may be granted to a railway servant with due regard to the exigencies of public service to enable him to undergo, in or out of India a special course of study consisting of higher studies or a technical subject having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duty.
How do you get study leave in Pakistan?
On completion of a course of study, a certificate on the proper form (which may be obtained from the Embassy of Pakistan), together with certificates of examinations passed or of Page 10 special study shall when the study leave has been taken outside Pakistan, be forwarded to the Embassy of Pakistan.
How many casual leave can be taken at a time in Pakistan?
i) Casual leave should not ordinarily exceed 10 days at a time and 25 days during any one calendar year; ii) The sanctioning authority may, however, grant casual leave up to 15 days at a time in special circumstances.
What is study leave policy?
Study Leave is a leave which is granted to a Government servant to enable him to undergo a special course of study consisting of higher studies or specialized training having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duty.
Is study leave a legal requirement?
There are no legislative provisions in any jurisdiction for study leave. Therefore it is usually an agreement or award provision.
Is increment allowed during study leave?
11(1) Study leave shall count as service for promotion, pension, seniority and increments, provided that in the case of a member of the Service who, at the time of proceeding on study leave, was officiating in a higher post the study leave shall count for increments to the extent indicated by Government from time to …
Is salary paid during study leave?
(2) Except as provided in sub-rule (6), during Study Leave availed of in India, a Government servant shall draw Leave Salary equal to the pay that the Government servant drew while on duty with Government immediately before proceeding on such leave and in addition the Dearness Allowance and House Rent Allowance as …
What is study leave?
Study leave is a period of time your school may give you off with the intention of you studying at home. It normally occurs when you have upcoming exams, such as GCSE’s. During the study leave period you will only have to come into school for your exams or if you’d like to attend any revision sessions.
Can you take study leave from work?
In your entire career, you can opt for study leave of not more than of 24 months. You need permission for overseas study leave: You need to take the permission of the central government or if you are serving in any state, then both the central government and the concerned state government in this context.
Can a Govt employee can do regular study?
No you can’t pursue further studies without seeking prior permission of your employer. If you have done so and now intends to join duties as Teacher you can do so without giving reference of your present employment.
Is study leave compulsory?
It is the schools decision whether they wish to grant their pupils study leave but it should not be granted by default once the exam syllabus is complete. Schools can authorise study leave for their students within their exam period at their own discretion.
Does company provide study leave?
The Rule provides for grant of study leave with or without wages at discretion of the employer. Any employee covered under the Act may be granted study leave with or without wages in accordance with the company policies.
What can study leave be used for?
Study leave is leave that allows time, inside or outside of the workplace, for formal learning that meets the requirements of the curriculum and personalised training objectives. This includes but is not restricted to participation in: study (linked to a course or programme) research.
Is study leave paid?
Study leave in this context refers to paid leave to enable employees to attend courses relevant to work and meet other requirements of those courses. The most relevant issues are likely to be time off work to sit for exams, to study in preparation for them, and to complete assignments.
Does study leave affect promotion?
Study Leave:—(a) During Study Leave officers will draw full pay of the substantive rank. (b) Study Leave will count as service for pay, promotion a…during the extended period.
Is study leave part of annual leave?
Changes to study obligations Study Leave does not accrue from year to year and cannot be carried over. 7.2. An Employee must notify their Employer of any changes to the circumstances of their study or/course, including their withdrawal from the study/course, as soon as reasonably practicable.
How many study leave days per year?
All study leave is granted on management’s discretion. The company will grant two days study leave per subject per annum with a maximum of no more than 10 days study leave in total per annum. Any additional leave required for study purposes will have to be taken as unpaid leave.
Are study leave paid?
LEAVE OF ONE TERM OR MORE (STUDY LEAVE) Academic members of staff on Study Leave will continue to be paid their full salary during the period of Study Leave. However, if absent from the College they will be expected to make their offices available to their school for other uses.
What are the types of study leave?