How can you identify a B&G pump?
Need to identify a Bell & Gossett pump for repair or replacement? You can identify a B&G pump using the information on the pump’s name tag. If the tag is missing, use the casting number on the body/volute of the pump.
Where is Bell and Gossett made?
1941: The year B&G moved from Chicago to a new, larger facility in Morton Grove, Illinois, still the site of B&G product development and production today. 2.5 million: Number of tank track pins produced by B&G during World War II to aid the U.S. war effort, at a rate of 5,000 to 6,000 a day.
What is pump serial number?
On the Back of Your Pump The serial number (SN) is located on the back of your pump. If you are using the belt clip, you need to remove the belt clip to view the serial number. On the back of your pump, look for the letters “SN” (which stands for serial number).
How do you read a pump tag?
A protection index, written on all pump labels with the acronym “IP”, indicates the level or resistance to water and dust penetration. The IP is a two-digit number that indicates the degree of resistance to solid substances, such as dust (first digit) and liquids (second digit).
How do you oil a B&G pump?
Motor bearings should initially be lubricated with 1/4 oz in each oil tube. For re-oiling, Bell & Gossett recommends the pump bearings be lubricated with 1 teaspoon of B&G 20# weight non-detergent oil at the start of each heating season. A SAE 20 oil or 10W-30 oil may be substituted if B&G oil is not available.
What is a B&G pump?
Bell & Gossett Pumps They are designed for easy maintenance and to be highly energy efficient. The pumps provide reliable operation in a variety of applications, including hydronic heating and cooling systems, industrial, refrigeration, cooling towers and irrigation.
What is a Bell and Gossett pump?
Bell & Gossett’s complete line of in-line and base-mounted centrifugal pumps and circulators can handle virtually any HVAC requirement. The pumps are engineered for exceptional performance and rugged durability. They are designed for easy maintenance and to be highly energy efficient.
Where do I find my pump model number?
To identify the model of your pump, you need to know the part number. Part numbers, also sometimes referred to as model numbers, can be found on your pump’s tag. A pump tag is a small rectangular plate that displays all the basic information about your pump.
How often should I oil my Bell and Gossett pump?
Re-lubrication is required at the start of each heating sea- son, or every three months for continuous service.
Can you lubricate a central heating pump?
It’s not going to lubricate itself. You need to do it, generally every year. To lubricate a circulating pump, you simply need to add 3-in-One oil to your boiler’s oil tank. Once it’s been added, it will run through the system and provide the lubrication needed.
What is pump model?
Pump model of TRACE defines the interaction of system fluid with a centrifugal pump. Pressure gradient across the pump is calculated as a function of fluid flow rate and fluid properties using pump–curve correlations.
Is it easy to change an impeller?
Changing an impeller is not a daunting task and it’s one that every boater should consider adding to their arsenal of DIY maintenance. Changing an impeller, on many engines, usually takes less than 20 minutes even if you are fairly slow. The most complicated aspect of the task is physical access to the pump.
How often should you oil a Bell and Gossett pump?
Motor bearings should be lubricated as instructed on the lubrication decal once every four months (more often under adverse conditions). Use eight to ten drops in each oil tube. A copy of the booster service manual can be obtained at no charge from the Bell & Gossett representative in your area.