How Cold Is France in January?
January Weather in Paris France. Daily high temperatures are around 45°F, rarely falling below 32°F or exceeding 54°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 44°F on January 11. Daily low temperatures are around 36°F, rarely falling below 25°F or exceeding 46°F.
Does it snow in Cergy France?
The month with the highest snowfall is February (28mm). Months with the least snowfall are April, May, June, July, August, September and October (0mm).
Does it rain in France in January?
HOW MUCH RAIN OR SUN? During January the skies tend to be cloudy (21-22 days), however, there will usually be about 9-10 days with sunny or at least partly sunny conditions. Precipitation occurs on about 15 days this month, however, only 8-9 of these will record at least 1 mm (0.04 inches).
Where is warm in France in January?
The warmest place in France is the French Riviera coast in Southern France.
When can you see the lavender fields in Provence?
When is lavender season in Provence? Provence’s fields start to bloom in June – by the end of the month, most of the region’s lavender will be flowering. The fields peak in early to mid-July. The higher the altitude of the field, the later the flowers will bloom.
Is January a good time to visit South of France?
Colder than other months of the year, January is the perfect post-holiday month for cultural exploration, strolling the French Riviera without the crowds, and hitting the slopes of any of the top-notch mountains and resorts.
How cold is Provence in winter?
Monthly temperatures Temperatures tend to average around 30°C (86°F) during the summer and fall to an average of 15°C (59°F) during winter.
Is Provence warm in winter?
The months of December, January and February make up Provence’s winter, and January is generally the coldest month with an average temperature of around 45 degrees. It may fall as low as 36 degrees at night and may hit as high as 52 degrees during the day.
Which part of France is warmest?
French Riviera coast
The warmest place in France is the French Riviera coast in Southern France. With average summer temperatures well above 30oC (80oF) and long dry summers and warm springs and autumns and mild winters, the South of France is the place to experience the best climate in France throughout the year.
Where is the warmest place in France in January?
What is the coldest part of France?
Mouthe (French pronunciation: [mut]) is a commune in the Doubs department in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region in eastern France. The town is known for having the coldest recorded temperature in France.