How do I bill for CPT 59025?
Usually, the only time it is appropriate to use the code 59025 in medical billing is if the OB-Gyn has a documented reason for performing the procedure. For instance, if the mother hasn’t felt much movement or if the physician detects a weak heartbeat. In these instances CPT 59025 would be appropriate.
Does CPT code 59025 need a modifier?
If the procedure is performed in the office setting and the physician owns the equipment, code 59025 is billed without modifiers, as it represents both technical and professional components.
How do you bill a fetal non stress test?
If a true NST is performed and documented and the physician has interpreted the results, then the obstetrician can bill for it using 59025–59026.
What is the CPT code for fetal stress test?
What is the CPT code for a fetal non-stress test? It’s 59025. If you are providing only the physician component of this service, consider attaching a −26 modifier, “Professional Component.”
Is 59025 a surgical code?
Per the ACOG Coding Committee, the following is a brief description of CPT code 59025, Fetal NST: “The patient reports fetal movement as an external monitor records fetal heart rate changes. The procedure is noninvasive and typically takes 20 to 40 minutes to perform.
How often can 59025 be billed?
CPT code 59025 can be conducted as many times as medically necessary.
Can 59025 and 76815 be billed together?
You should be able to bill the 76815 with the 59025 without a modifier. The only combo to watch for is the BPP 76818/19 with and without NST. If the same provider does both, use the combo code. If a separate provider does each, you need a 59 on the NST.
How to Bill CPT 59425?
– Report a single claim submission of CPT code 59425 or 59426 for the antepartum care only, excluding the confirmation visit that may be reported and separately reimbursed when the antepartum – The units reported should be one. – The dates reported should be the range of time covered.
What is Procedure Code 59025?
If O80 is not appropriate,the primary diagnosis should reflect the main circumstances or complications of the delivery.
How to Bill 59025?
59025 : Fetal non-stress test: 76805: Ultrasound, pregnant uterus, real time with image documentation, fetal and maternal evaluation, after first trimester (> or = 14 weeks 0 days), transabdominal approach; single or first gestation + 76810: each additional gestation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 76818
If the physician only ordered the fetal biophysical profile (76818), or the non-stress test (59025), and the physician did not document a separate order for the second test, you cannot report both codes with modifier -59.