How do I run a play framework project in Eclipse?
3 Answers
- Download and install Eclipse.
- Create a new Play project. When asked, select the Java language: $ play new myapp.
- Change to the new application’s directory: $ cd myapp.
- Generate the Eclipse project:
- Import the project into your Eclipse Workspace with File | Import | General | Existing Projects into Workspace .
Which IDEs can be used for play applications?
7 Best IDEs for Mobile App Development
- Android Studio.
- Qt IDE.
- Xcode.
- Eclipse IDE.
- JetBrains Rider.
- Visual Studio Code.
- DroidScript.
How do I run a play app?
To run the application, unzip the file on the target server, and then run the script in the bin directory. The name of the script is your application name, and it comes in two versions, a bash shell script, and a windows . bat script. For a full description of usage invoke the start script with a -h option.
How do I run a play in Intellij?
Run and debug Play 2 application
- If you want to run the application: In the project tool window, right-click the application. In the context menu, select Run Play 2 App.
- If you need to access the Run/Debug Configurations dialog: On the main menu, select Run | Edit Configurations. Click the.
Is Scala asynchronous?
Scala will not magically make synchronous code asynchronous, but it will provide you all you need to write fully a asynchronous one (Futures/Promises, Actors, Streams.). Being asynchronous does not mean being single threaded, it means you keep doing useful thinks while waiting for replies.
How do I run a play Framework project?
For running Play Framework applications with Intellij Idea tools you need to download and install Scala plugin. You can run you play-app via command line executing play run under the application root directory.
How do I run a debug in play framework?
To debug, start your application with activator -jvm-debug 9999 run and in Eclipse right-click on the project and select Debug As, Debug Configurations. In the Debug Configurations dialog, right-click on Remote Java Application and select New. Change Port to 9999 and click Apply.
Can you code Java on Android?
Anacode IDE Anacode is another IDE (integrated development environment) and source code editor that supports the languages Java, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and C/C++ and allows you to build and run from your android device.
What IDE do Android developers use?
Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA .
How do I debug a JVM project in Eclipse?
To debug, start your application with sbt -jvm-debug 9999 run and in Eclipse right-click on the project and select Debug As, Debug Configurations. In the Debug Configurations dialog, right-click on Remote Java Application and select New. Change Port to 9999 and click Apply.
How do I run a play project in Lightbend?
Unzip the project in a convenient location. In a command window, change to the top-level project directory. Enter sbt run. The tutorial welcome page displays. Already know a bit about Play? Lightbend offers a variety of Play example projects for Java and Scala that are focused on a particular use case.
How to import SBT play project into Eclipse IDE?
The following procedure may be followed to compile and import sbt play project into eclipse IDE: At command prompt type sbt to compile sbt play project. After successful compilation, In sbt use command eclipse to create Eclipse project files > eclipse.