How do I update the zenec naviextras navigation software?
Update Navigation Software of ZENEC Essential Devices Navigation software updates (map data and system updates, as well as the free map update subscription for 1 year) can be downloaded from the Naviextras Internet portal using your PC or notebook.
How do I know if my product is compatible with zenec?
ZENEC constantly checks the operation and compatibility of all products. This includes updates of the main system and navigation section, the CAN interface or he Bluetooth compatibility. For the latest device models, updates are published once or twice a year and listed on these web pages.
What kind of software updates does zenec offer?
Software Updates. ZENEC constantly checks the operation and compatibility of all products. This includes updates of the main system and navigation section, the CAN interface or he Bluetooth compatibility. For the latest device models, updates are published once or twice a year and listed on these web pages.
What is the ze-nc2010 can update?
This CAN update enables the technical integration of the ZE-NC2010 into the CAN system of recent Skoda car models. This CAN update adds support for the display of parking radar data directly on the screen of the ZE-NC2010. Only features which are already present in the given target vehicle, as well as those provided by the OE radio, are supported.
What is the difference between the zenec models 2011/2012?
ZENEC models 2011 / 2012 = Motorhome Edition: This group exclusively covers device models that come preloaded with specific MotorHome navigation software. ZENEC FEU models 2011/2012 = Full Europe: This group covers device models of the current ZENEC line-up, i.e. the E>GO series including the ZE-NC620D.
How much does it cost to register a zenec device?
Registration is free of charge. ZENEC ELS models 2011/2012 = Empty License: These devices are for NON EU importers and buyers, for device models not sold in Europe. ZENEC models 2011 / 2012 = Motorhome Edition: This group exclusively covers device models that come preloaded with specific MotorHome navigation software.