How do you care for an Alveopora coral?
Alveopora can thrive in a wide range of lighting, depending on species. High lighting is not recommended. We recommend 100-150 PAR. Alveopora corals prefer moderate water movement so their polyps can move freely.
Is Alveopora easy to keep?
Some say that they are relatively easy to keep given the right water parameters and tank placement, while others say that it is a coral that only more advanced hobbyists should attempt to take care of.
What should I feed my Alveopora?
Alveopora would likely benefit from regular feedings but they may be a challenge to feed. What we have done recently here is make a mix of several commercially available powdered plankton foods and feed them all together to all of our corals. Basically the shotgun approach to feeding.
Where should I place my Goniopora?
The best placement for Goniopora coral is an area with moderate light intensity and water flow. This would typically be considered the middle region of the aquarium, about halfway between the most and least intense lighting and flow and away from the water flow.
How long does it take for Alveopora to open?
Yes, mine took a few days to open up. After about 2 weeks, it opened up fully. I have mine located about mid level of the tank.
Is Goniopora photosynthetic?
Goniopora are a photosynthetic coral so they derive some of their nutritional requirements from light.
Do flower pots sting coral?
Its polyps can extend far past its base into the reef aquarium, where it can sting other species of corals. Being a moderately difficult coral to care for and requires moderate lighting combined with moderate water movement within the aquarium.
Do Goniopora like high light?
Goniopora can thrive in a wide range of lighting. We have kept Goniopora in different lighting intensities here at Tidal Gardens ranging from very dimly lit 50 PAR tanks all the way to bright aquariums receiving over 200 PAR. I would recommend placing them under moderate lighting intensities, between 75-125 PAR.
Do Goniopora like high flow?
It did not like direct flow one little bit; did its best very near the sand-bed well out of the way of any direct flow but with plenty of gentle water movement around it.
How do you take care of Hammer coral?
Hammer corals do best with a low-to-moderate amount of water flow. Enough to carry fresh, oxygenated water to the polyps without blowing them into their skeleton. Try to replicate a gentle breeze with the current.
How much flow do Goniopora like?
Goniopora appreciate low to medium flow, but preferably with some randomness to it. That way you will get that gentle waving motion which helps keep the coral clean and brings food past the colony.
Is Goniopora Coral hard to keep?
For a long time Goniopora were considered an impossible coral to keep. There were even discussions online about it being unethical to keep importing them because of their poor survivability. The problem with their mortality rate was that it was deceptive. Gonioporas would not immediately die.
Do Goniopora like flow?
Where do you put hammer coral in a tank?
As long as you have a spot with moderate lighting and water flow, hammer corals aren’t picky about where they settle within your tank. They even tolerate placement on sand – provided they don’t get particles stuck to their polyps. You WILL need to provide space around the colony, though.
Are Goniopora fast growing?
Once the tissue reaches the plug or rock encrusting growth can be as quick as 1 mm a month. The next step in Goniopora propagation (and for all corals for that matter) is sexual reproduction in captivity.
What are the hardest corals to keep?
The list is not intended to scare people from these corals, instead to give you an idea of requirements for these corals before buying them.
- 10 The Yellow Finger Gorgonian Sea Fan.
- 9 The Goniopora Coral.
- 8 The Pagoda Cup Coral.
- 5 Acropora Corals.
- 4 The Sun Coral.
- 1 The Pectinia Coral.