How do you cite the Convention on Biological Diversity?
CBD, 2006. Global Biodiversity Outlook 2 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, 81 + vii pages.
What is CBD COP?
The Conference comprises the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the tenth Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (Cartagena Protocol COP/MOP 10), and the fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit …
What is CBD with reference?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as cannabis or hemp. One specific form of CBD is approved as a drug in the U.S. for seizure. Over 80 chemicals, known as cannabinoids, have been found in the Cannabis sativa plant.
How do you cite Unfccc 1992?
MLA (7th ed.) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. New York: United Nations, General Assembly, 1992.
What is Article 8j?
Under Article 8(j) of the Convention, Parties have undertaken to respect, preserve and maintain the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous peoples and local communities relevant for the conservation of biological diversity and to promote their wider application with the approval of knowledge holders and to …
What are the 3 main objectives of biodiversity conservation?
Biodiversity conservation has three main objectives: To preserve the diversity of species. Sustainable utilization of species and ecosystem. To maintain life-supporting systems and essential ecological processes.
What is the COP 15 theme?
The proposed slogan(s) should encapsulate the theme of COP15, which is “Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth”.
How do you read CBD labels?
Every private cbd label should clearly state the total milligrams (mg) of CBD in the bottle or package. You also want to check the serving size to see how much is in one serving. For example, eating one cbd candy gummy bear would be one serving size. The amount of cbd per serving will equal one gummy bear.
How do you cite UNFCCC documents?
List the author or organization responsible for the document, followed by a comma. In this case, that would be the United Nations. List the title of the document in italics, followed by a comma. In this case, the title would be Charter of the United Nations.
What is Kyoto Protocol PDF?
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The major feature of the Kyoto Protocol is that it sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Why was the CBD established?
Its objective is to develop national strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, and it is often seen as the key document regarding sustainable development.
What is Tek science?
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is the on-going accumulation of knowledge, practice and belief about relationships between living beings in a specific ecosystem that is acquired by indigenous people over hundreds or thousands of years through direct contact with the environment, handed down through generations.
Why is 22 May Biodiversity Day?
International Day for Biological Diversity – 22 May In December 2000, the UN General Assembly adopted 22 May as IDB, to commemorate the adoption of the text of the Convention on 22 May 1992 by the Nairobi Final Act of the Conference for the Adoption of the Agreed Text of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
What is the theme of biodiversity?
International Day for Biological Diversity: Theme The theme underpins the importance of biodiversity in handling several sustainable development challenges. Biodiversity is the foundation on which nature-based solutions to climate, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, can be billed upon.
What is Convention on Biological Diversity?
CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY UNITED NATIONS 1992. CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY. Preamble • The Contracting Parties, Conscious of the intrinsic value of biological diversity and of the ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic values of biological diversity and its components.
What is the preamble of Biological Diversity?
CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY Preamble • The Contracting Parties, Conscious of the intrinsic value of biological diversity and of the ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic values of biological diversity and its components.
What is the purpose of the Biodiversity Convention?
Biodiversity-related conventions. The objectives of the Treaty are the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their use, in harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity, for sustainable agriculture and food security.
What are the four articles in the conservation of human biodiversity?
Article 8. In-situ Conservation Article 9. Ex-situ Conservation Article 10. Sustainable Use of Components of Biological Diversity Article 11. Incentive Measures Article 12. Research and Training Article 13. Public Education and Awareness Article 14. Impact Assessment and Minimizing Adverse Impacts Article 15. Access to Genetic Resources Article 16.