How do you expand and collapse table rows in jQuery?
Expand/Collapse Table Rows With jQuery
- Put a class of “parent” on each parent row (tr).
- Give each parent row (tr) an attribute ”data-toggle=”toggle””.
- Give each child row cover under
a class=hideTr.
How do I make an expandable row in HTML?
The expandable table can be achieved by using JavaScript with HTML. By Clicking on a row of the table, it expands and a sub-table pops up. When the user again clicks on that row the content will hide. This can be very useful when the data is complex but it is inter-related.
How do you collapse in HTML?
collapse class indicates a collapsible element (a in our example); this is the content that will be shown or hidden with a click of a button. To control (show/hide) the collapsible content, add the data-toggle=”collapse” attribute to an or a element.
How do you use border-collapse property?
The border-collapse property in CSS is used to set the borders of the cell present inside the table and tells whether these cells will share a common border or not. Syntax: border-collapse: separate|collapse|initial|inherit; Default Value : Its default value is separate.
Where can I use Colspan and Rowspan?
The rowspan and colspan are
What is the difference between border-collapse collapse and border-collapse separate?
(See Snippet below to confirm). The border-collapse CSS property determines whether a table’s borders are separated or collapsed. In the separated model, adjacent cells each have their own distinct borders. In the collapsed model, adjacent table cells share borders.
What is Border-collapse collapse?
The border-collapse property sets whether table borders should collapse into a single border or be separated as in standard HTML.
How do I combine Rowspan and Colspan?
You can merge two or more table cells in a column using the colspan attribute in a
How do you make a table with rowspan and colspan?
You can use rowspan=”n” on a td element to make it span n rows, and colspan=”m” on a td element to make it span m columns. Looks like your first td needs a rowspan=”2″ and the next td needs a colspan=”4″ .
How to implement expand/collapse in HTML table rows using jQuery?
There are two ways, we can implement expand/collapse in HTML table rows using jQuery. A common UI will have an HTML table of data rows. When we click on “Expand”, it shows a detailed breakdown of “child” rows below the “parent” row. In a parent row, click on the “+” sign; it expands the child row with detailed information.
How do I expand a table of data in HTML?
A common UI will have an HTML table of data rows. When we click on “Expand”, it shows a detailed breakdown of “child” rows below the “parent” row. In a parent row, click on the “+” sign; it expands the child row with detailed information.
How do I expand the child row in a row?
In a parent row, click on the “+” sign; it expands the child row with detailed information. At the same time, the parent sign toggles to “- “.
How to collapse child rows with parent sign “+”?
In a parent row, click on the “+” sign; it expands the child row with detailed information. At the same time, the parent sign toggles to “- “. Once we click on “- “sign, then it will collapse child rows with parent sign “+”. The requirements are, Put a class of “parent” on each parent row (tr).