How do you manage pituitary apoplexy?
Medically stabilize the patient. Immediately evaluate electrolytes, glucose, and pituitary hormones. Administer high-dose corticosteroids (most patients have hypopituitarism). Administer appropriate endocrinologic replacement therapy alone or combined with transsphenoidal surgical decompression of the tumor.
Is pituitary apoplexy an emergency?
Pituitary apoplexy is a rare and potentially lethal endocrine emergency, characterised by acute severe headache, visual defects, and/or reduced consciousness. The clinical presentation often mimics other more common neurological emergencies. Prompt resuscitation and corticosteroid replacement may be lifesaving.
How common is pituitary apoplexy?
Summary. Pituitary apoplexy is a potentially life-threatening endocrine disorder which may result from either from infarction or haemorrhage in the pituitary. It has been reported with a wide range of incidence ranging from around 1% to 26% in various studies.
How do you prevent apoplexy?
There are no known guidelines to prevent this problem.
What is the difference between stroke and apoplexy?
stroke, also called apoplexy, sudden impairment of brain function resulting either from a substantial reduction in blood flow to some part of the brain or from intracranial bleeding.
Is apoplexy hereditary?
A Case of Apoplexy Attack-Like Neuropathy due to Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies in a Patient Diagnosed with Chronic Cerebral Infarction. Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies is an inherited disease associated with the loss of a copy of the PMP22 gene.
Why was a stroke called apoplexy?
Early description of stroke He called the condition apoplexy, which is a Greek term that stands for “struck down by violence.” While the name described the sudden changes that can occur with a stroke, it didn’t necessarily convey what’s actually happening in your brain.