How do you Mine in Elite Dangerous?
To go mining in Elite Dangerous, there are a few things you need to have on your ship: at least one Class 2 hardpoint (these are the points you attach things to on your ship) for the mining tools, and enough slots for other crucial mining features, like the Refinery, Limpet Controller, a Detailed Surface Scanner, and a Cargo Rack.
Is Elite Dangerous a good game?
Elite Dangerous is a simulator in every sense of the word. You don’t just mine and sell whatever you find to your nearest space station. A good miner will monitor the market, see what’s selling for the most, and then structure their next mining expedition around that mineral.
How do you deal with pirates on mining expeditions?
Mining expeditions are not necessarily going to be peaceful. Pirates linger in the shadows of asteroid belts and scan unsuspecting miner ships. If the scan shows the miner ship has anything on it other than the base limpets, then they will attack. You can either run or fight. Either is fine.
What are the benefits of different builds in Elite Dangerous?
The different experiences to be gained from those different builds also vary greatly. One of the fun aspects of Elite Dangerous is the process of Outfitting your ship for specific purposes. For example, a combat build will never be good at mining. You can outfit a ship for both, but both of those functions will be diminished on the same ship.
What equipment do you need to mine asteroids in Elite Dangerous?
This is just for the basic asteroid mining, but Elite Dangerous gets a lot more complicated than that. For Deep Core Mining you need a Seismic Charge Launche r, for Surface Mining you should always attach an Abrasion Blaster, and you should probably carry as many prospecting limpets as you can, regardless.
Is the adder the cheapest ship in Elite Dangerous?
The Adder is one of the cheapest ships in Elite Dangerous and as a result is ideal for players who are embarking on their very first mining mission. Although the Adder is cheap, it does come with a Class 2 hardpoint and decent Armor (comparable to even the Cobra Mark 3, which is about 100x more expensive.)