How do you read astrocartography?
Steps to Uncovering Your Astrocartography Map
- First, understand the meaning of the planetary archetypes.
- Learn the relationships between planets and understand how certain planetary energies work together.
- Research the angles and their meanings (scroll down to ready more)
Where should I move based on astrocartography?
When using astrocartography, it’s best to use the lines of beneficial planets such as the sun, Venus, and Jupiter.
How do I find my Astro map?
Go to the website Head to the top right hand corner and select ‘My Astro’. You will be presented with options – if you already have an account, log in to your registered user profile.
What do astrocartography lines mean?
Each line links up with a certain celestial body that brings out certain qualities like love, creativity, and growth within up to 700 miles of that line. According to Smith, this is known as the orb of influence.
What is an astrocartography chart?
An astrocartography chart is created by mapping out your personal planetary lines from your Natal Chart on to the globe. Depending on which line crosses a point can indicate different things.
What does Moon mean in astrocartography?
The moon represents our deepest feelings and instincts. In astrology, the moon is associated with the deepest part of ourselves that can’t be easily described with words. It represents our spiritual nature and subconscious mind—the unseen things within that dictate our actions.
What is ASC and MC?
While your ascendant, or rising sign, shows the mask you wear for the world, or how others first perceive you, your midheaven relates more directly to your career, public life, and reputation. It points towards the outward expression of your individuality.
What is AC in birth chart?
The Ascendant (also known as AC, ASC or your rising) divides the chart in half horizontally and stretches across to the Descendant (DC or DSC) and represents Self vs. Other or how you balance your need to individuate with cooperating with others.
What is a sun line astrocartography?
When under a Sun line, a person’s energies will be uplifted. They will feel in synch with themselves, more at ease in their own skin, and as though things are going their way. In this very creative and creative place, one can visualize the Sun shining down.
What is Black Moon Lilith in astrology?
“In astrology, [Black Moon Lilith] represents the part of ourselves that we cannot repress. The part of us that is yearning to be released. The part that doesn’t take B.S. from anyone,” Stardust tells Bustle. We have have dark sides to our personalities — this doesn’t mean bad, just dark.
What does Lilith represent in astrology?
For the uninitiated, Lilith incorporates a person’s dark sexual side and the hidden self — making it the perfect astrology elective to add to your life, just in time for spooky season.
What Black Lilith means?
Black Moon Lilith is not an object, but a point: a purely lunar realm where the moon is in isolation from everything else. In our chart, Lilith describes where we value free will over inclusion, where we go our own way. Lilith is where we aren’t willing to compromise.
Which house in astrology is for death?
the eighth house
In astrology, the eighth house is the house of the zodiac sign of Scorpio and planet Pluto. It is viewed as the house of sex, taboos, death, resurrection and other people’s possessions. We can infer from these general fields that it also rules legacies, heritages, and wills.
What is the astromap World?
The Astromap World is simply an unusual way of drawing up a birth chart. While a conventional birth chart shows the planetary positions in relation to a particular place – the place of birth – the Astromap World shows possible planetary positions for all over the globe. The Astro-Map shows you:
How does the Astro-map Europe work?
The finer scale of the Astro-Map Europe is a more precise guide. The basic idea behind the Astro-Map is this: The energy and meaning of a planet will be expressed most strongly in areas where the planet is placed on one of the cardinal points at the time of birth.
How do I add astrological data to my horoscope?
A horoscope is made with this data as long as you do not select another person. Click on one of the arrows to move the respective entry to the top of the list. The button “Add new Astro data” takes you to a page where you can enter new birth data and add them to your list.
How do I edit my birth data on Astro?
To edit any Astro data entry, simply click on the “Edit” link at the end of the row. This takes you to a page where you can modify all the properties of that item. At the bottom of the birth data list, you can select the criteria according to which you want to sort them. This order is also used for selecting birth data on all horoscope pages.