How do you treat a strained popliteus muscle?
In the early stages of healing, after a new popliteus muscle injury, treatment often includes rest from aggravating activities, icing the knee for 10 to 15 minutes every few hours, a compression wrap to help decrease swelling, and laser or ultrasound to help to decrease pain and inflammation.
What causes popliteus tendinitis?
Popliteus tendinopathy may be caused by overuse of the popliteus muscle-tendon unit. It usually occurs in athletes who run or train on hills or banked surfaces.
What is the popliteus tendon?
The popliteus tendon is the tendon of the popliteus muscle and is located at the posterior aspect of the knee. It originates from the lateral femoral condyle, where the popliteofibular ligament comprises a portion of its proximal thickness.
How long does popliteus take to heal?
The good news is that most cases of popliteus muscle strains will heal with simple home conservative treatments within 6 weeks. Prolonged healing time, if you improperly treated or re-injured, re-ocurring symptoms is an sign that you have a chronic condition.
What does a popliteus strain feel like?
Popliteus injury symptoms Pain at the back of your knee joint. Your knee will feel tender when pressing in at the back. It is likely to be painful when trying to bend your knee against resistance, whilst your tibia (shin bone) is rotated outwards.
What causes popliteal pain?
Popliteal fossa pain is developed by a wide variety of causes. The most common causes are Baker’s cyst, soft tissue or bone tumor and injury to the meniscus, hamstring, popliteal tendon or ligament.
What is the function of popliteus?
Despite its small size, the popliteus is a major stabilizer of the knee. The popliteus is involved in both the closed chain phase and open-chain phase of the gait cycle. During the closed chain phase, which is when the foot is in contact with the ground, the muscle externally rotates the femur on the tibia.
Why is the popliteus important?
The popliteus muscle plays an important role in the gait cycle by initiating the flexion of the fully extended (“locked”) knee. Thus, the popliteus is referred to as the “key to unlock the knee”. In addition, the popliteus muscle is the main stabilizer of the dorsal knee region.
What causes popliteal pain and swelling?
A Baker’s, or popliteal, cyst is a painful swelling that develops behind the knee. It is filled with fluid. It happens when inflammation and swelling affects the tissue behind the knee joint. It often results from gout or arthritis.
How long does Popliteus take to heal?