How does Chacko treat Sophie Mol and Margaret?
He is completely thrilled when Margaret and Sophie come to visit. It really seems like he wants to believe he can have them back in his life for good – which is perhaps one reason he refers to Margaret as his wife instead of as his ex.
Who is mammachi in God of Small Things?
Mammachi is Chacko and Ammu’s mother and Estha and Rahel’s grandmother. She’s nearly blind and plays a mean violin. She founded Paradise Pickles and Preserves and built it into a successful business before turning it over to Chacko, who transformed it into, um, a less successful business.
Who was baby kochamma?
Navomi Ipe Kochamma, better known by her nickname Baby Kochamma, is an antagonist within Arundhati Roy’s novel, The God of Small Things. She is the vindictive great aunt of the child protagonists Esthappen (Estha) and Rahel.
Why did Margaret leave Chacko?
After Sophie Mol was born, Margaret realized she had to leave Chacko, both for her own sake and her daughter’s.
Is Chacko a communist?
In Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things (1997), Chacko is a bourgeois, yet communist, businessman of Ayemenem, Kerala, who returns from England with dreams of expanding ‘Paradise Pickles & Preserves’, the family business. Comrade Pillai owns a printing press from which he supplies Chacko with labels.
What does mammachi mean?
“Mammachi” simply means “grandmother.” Pappachi (Benaan John Ipe): late abusive husband of Mammachi. (“Pappachi: of course means “grandfather.”) Chacko: son of Mammachi, divorced first husband of Margaret.
Who is kochu Thomban?
She sees Kochu Thomban, the elephant. We learn that kathakali performances are more frequent these days in Ayemenem. The dancers perform for the tourists and then ask forgiveness of their gods for cashing in on their religion. Rahel sits on the ground and watches.
Is The God of Small Things based on real life?
The God of Small Things is a piece of fiction but some critics have tried to find autobiographical parallels in the novel while at the same warning against drawing any simplistic connections between the novel and the writer’s life.
How old is Rahels cousin Sophie Mol when she dies?
(They also thought that if you were killed in a Zebra crossing, the government was obligated to pay for your funeral.) The mention of funerals jets us back to a memory of the twins’ cousin Sophie Mol’s funeral. She died when she was almost 9 and Estha and Rahel were 7.
What happened to velutha?
Velutha dies of his injuries overnight. After Sophie’s funeral, Ammu goes to the police to tell the truth about her relationship with Velutha. Afraid of being exposed, Baby Kochamma convinces Chacko that Ammu and the twins were responsible for his daughter’s death.
Why did Estha stop talking?
After Ammu’s scandal Estha is “returned” to live with his alcoholic father Baba, and Estha soon stops speaking entirely or even acknowledging other people. After twenty-three years Baba “re-returns” him to Ayemenem and Estha and Rahel are reunited.
Did Estha and Rahel sleep together?
They still have an innate sense of being completed by each other. This sort of helps explain why Rahel and Estha have sex at the end of the book, although the idea of incest is really uncomfortable for most readers. Being together makes the two halves a complete whole.
Who is Kari Saipu?
Kari Saipu was the “Englishman who had “gone native.” Who spoke Malaylam and wore mundus. Ayemenem’s own Kurtz. Ayemenem his private Heart of Darkness” (51). The History House stands as a shell, a place where forbidden love spoiled and ruined Kari Saipu and would later destroy Ammu and Velutha.