How heavy is Metal Gear Rex?
It weighs over 505 tons, and it almost completely dwarfs the Zubr-Class LCAC, which weighs 50 tons heavier than the Rex when fully loaded. A Rex is always fully loaded with heavy nuclear weapons and more, yet it’s a bit lighter than a fully loaded LCAC like the Zubr.
What happened to Metal Gear Rex?
A battle-damaged Metal Gear REX, piloted by Solid Snake in 2014. In 2014, Liquid Ocelot returned to Shadow Moses Island and salvaged the rail gun from Metal Gear REX’s remains with which to launch a nuclear strike on the Patriots’s core AI.
What was the biggest Metal Gear?
Appearing in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Metal Gear EXCELSUS is one of the largest Metal Gears to feature in the series.
Is Metal Gear excelsus a real Metal Gear?
Metal Gear EXCELSUS was a multi-legged Metal Gear that was developed around 2016.
What is the smallest Metal Gear?
Metal Gear G, or Gustav, was to be a small-scale, mass-produced version of D, (without nuclear capability) designed to assist infantry in local combat areas. It was in development around 1999, but was never produced due to Zanzibar Land’s collapse shortly thereafter.
What is the strongest Metal Gear mech?
1 Metal Gear REX Its compound armor was near-impenetrable and its legs were reinforced and heavily armored. It was also armed with anti-tank missiles, a free-electron laser, two Gatling guns and a magnetic railgun that could send an undeliverable nuke anywhere around the world.
Is your cause just?
“Is your cause just, or is that just what you tell yourself?” “You aren’t the only one to grow up on the killing fields. War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher. Its final lesson is carved deep in my psyche: that this world, and all of its people, are diseased.
What is the weapon to surpass Metal Gear?
“Les Enfants Terribles, Zero called it.” Then it dawned on me, the weapon the surpass Metal Gear, had to be Solid Snake. The young clone of Big Boss, who was being trained in the West and would go on to sabotage countless Metal Gears throughout his life.
Who is the most powerful Snake in MGS?
Big Boss/Naked Snake Still, he’s a legend for a reason. Defeating foes like Volgin, Ocelot, The Boss, and several Metal Gear prototypes, Big Boss repeatedly earns his reputation.