How is fine grained locking implemented?
For fine grained locking, use an array of read/write locks (as Carey Hickling suggests). Hash the index value and filter it through a bit mask (or use modulus) to select which lock to use. This effectively splits the indexes into N buckets, where N is the number of locks you create.
What are fine grained and coarse-grained locks?
Coarse-grained systems consist of fewer, larger components than fine-grained systems; a coarse-grained description of a system regards large subcomponents while a fine-grained description regards smaller components of which the larger ones are composed.
What is a coarse-grained lock?
A Coarse-Grained Lock is a single lock that covers many objects. It not only simplifies the locking action itself but also frees you from having to load all the members of a group in order to lock them.
Why is it always better to use coarse-grained locking versus fine grained locking?
The granularity of the lock depends on the amount of data protected by the lock. A very coarse-grained lock might be a single lock to protect all data. Dividing how the data is protected by the appropriate number of locks is very important. Locking that is too fine-grained can degrade performance.
What is hand over hand locking?
Hand-over-hand locking 1 is a fine-grained synchronization technique that prevent data races among concurrent operations. Commonly applied to pointer-based data structures, operations lock nodes as they traverse the data structure.
What is coarse granularity?
Coarse-grained materials or systems have fewer, larger discrete components than fine-grained materials or systems. A coarse-grained description of a system regards large subcomponents. A fine-grained description regards smaller components of which the larger ones are composed.
What is concurrent linked list?
It belongs to java. It is used to implement Queue with the help of LinkedList concurrently. It is an unbounded thread-safe implementation of Queue which inserts elements at the tail of the Queue in a FIFO(first-in-first-out) fashion. It can be used when an unbounded Queue is shared among many threads.
Is linked list thread-safe?
Not Thread-safe: LinkedList is not suitable for concurrent access.
What is concurrent queue?
A concurrent queue is basically a queue which provides protection against multiple threads mutating its state and thus causing inconsistencies. A naive way to implement a concurrent queue may be to just slap locks in its enqueue and dequeue functions when they try to modify the head and tail.
Are vectors thread-safe?
Vector is a thread-safe collection – all its methods are synchronized by default. This is why it’s recommended to use ArrayList instead – it’s not thread-safe which results in a better performance for single-thread applications.
Which collection interface is thread-safe?
The collection classes that are thread-safe in Java are Stack, Vector, Properties, Hashtable, etc.
What’s the meaning of fine grained?
Definition of fine-grain 1 : producing images of low graininess so that considerable enlargement without undue coarseness is permitted —used of a photographic developer. 2 or less commonly fine-grained \ ˈ⸗¦⸗ \ : characterized by comparatively fine graininess —used of a photographic image or photographic emulsion.
What is fine grained material?
Fine grain steels have good cold formability and toughness. They have fine grain structure due to the low carbon content and micro-alloying elements (e.g. titanium and niobium). Fine grain structure and high purity guarantee excellent properties for various uses.
What is the difference between coarse-grained and fine grained systems?
Coarse-grained systems consist of fewer, larger components than fine-grained systems; a coarse-grained description of a system regards large subcomponents while a fine-grained description regards smaller components of which the larger ones are composed. Show activity on this post.
What are fine-grained password policies (fgpps)?
Beginning in Windows Server 2008, you can override the default password and account lockout policies in a domain using Fine-Grained Password Policies (FGPP). To use FGPPs, your domain must be at the Windows Server 2008 domain-functional level or higher.
What types of locks can be disallowed for a given index?
Page-level locks, row-level locks, or a combination of page-level and row-level locks can be disallowed for a given index. Explicit transactions can be nested.
What are the different modes of locking in a transaction?
Locks have different modes, such as shared or exclusive. The lock mode defines the level of dependency the transaction has on the data. No transaction can be granted a lock that would conflict with the mode of a lock already granted on that data to another transaction.