How is Karakamsa calculated?
- Identify the Atmakaraka (Planet with maximum number of degrees in comparison to other planets)
- Locate the rashi in which this Atmakaraka is placed in Navamsa chart.
- Place this Rashi in the Lagan of Swamsa chart.
- Now Place all planets in this chart IDENTICAL with their Rashi placement in NAVAMSA chart.
What is Karakamsa?
Karakamsa is a term mainly used in Jaimini sutra, or Jaimini astrology. In Jaimini there are seven karakas which represents different things in your life. Based on their degrees they play a certain role in the horoscope. From the highest to the lowest (7th) degree, planets are given a certain karaka name.
What is the Atmakaraka in Vedic astrology?
The Atmakaraka is either the Sun or one of the planets (as determined by the astrological chart) and has the strongest influence on the subject of the horoscope according to astrologers.
How do you read Shadbala?
Find the difference between a planet’s longitude and the deepest debilitation point. Divide the difference by 3 and the result so obtained is the uccha bala in Virupas. When a planet is in highest exaltation point, the difference happens to be 180 deg and hence the uccha bala for such planet becomes 60 virupa (180/3).
Can Rahu be Amatyakaraka?
In a birth chart a planet with the second highest degree except Rahu is called Amatyakaraka. Karakas are a distinct feature in Jaimini astrology. The real meaning of Amatya is companion or follower of the King.
Where is Karakamsa?
The Karakamsa is the Rashi in the D9 where the Atmakaraka planet of the D1 is placed. Just as the D9 tells us the finer nuances of the D1, the Karakamsa tells us more about the Atmakaraka and the person.
Is Atmakaraka strong?
The native’s soul and Karma are defined by the Atmakaraka planet which shows the cumulative karmas of the native. If the Atmakaraka in the kundli is strong, it helps the other karakas in the chart to produce good results. It helps to reduce the adverse effects of the weaker planets.
What is strong Shadbala?
390, 360, 300, 420, 390, 330 and 300 Virupas are the Shad Bal Pindas, needed for Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn etc. to be considered strong. If the strength exceeds the above-mentioned values, the Grah is deemed to be very strong.
What is a good Ashtakavarga score?
After evaluating the dots or scores, the total Ashtakavarga points between 18 to 25 or 19 to 26are considered to be average. Points above 25-26 are likely to bring positive effects and influences for the natives.
What is the role of Amatyakaraka?
Amatyakaraka happens to be the most influential person in a hierarchy (the next most influential person after a king/ruler). You might have heard of the word, ‘Atmakaraka. ‘ The word is used for the king, whereas Amatyakaraka is used for the advisor. The advisor plays a crucial role in a king’s life.
What if Saturn is Atmakaraka?
It simply indicates that the native will not be able to share his own sorrows with others, but will always have to share the grief and sorrows of many people around him. People with Atmakaraka Saturn often feel lonely and unwanted and may even develop the tendency of committing suicides at different phases of life.
What happens when Saturn is Atmakaraka?
How important is Shadbala?
Shadbala is a mathematical model to quantify the strength attained from 6 different sources. To understand real impact of various occupation, aspects and yogas in a horoscope, one should have good estimate of the strength of the grahas in a horoscope. Without that, one’s analysis could be misleading.
How accurate is Ashtakavarga?
With the correct time and date of birth, Ashtakavarga predictions can be extremely accurate, and it can tell you a lot about your houses, and the intensity of influences of their houses on your life. It also makes you understand which planet will be playing what role in the shaping of your life.
How is Ashtakavarga calculated?
So, to calculate the Ashtakvarga we look at the position of all the other planets with reference to the planet that is being studied. A good placement gets a 1 and a bad placement gets a 0. The traditional Parashara method is to give a Bindu or dot for a bad placement and a small line called a Rekha for good placement.
What is my Amatyakaraka?
Significance of Amatyakaraka Amatyakaraka is the king’s next most important person in hierarchy. It comes after Atmakarka. Atmakaraka is the king where as Amatyakaraka is an advisor. Advisor plays a very important role in the life of the king.
Can Rahu or Ketu be Amatyakaraka?
Only Ketu is not an Atmakaraka among the nine Grahas (planets). Rahu is included, however his karaka position is determined by subtracting 30 degrees from his position. Mars has travelled the most degrees in the sidereal zodiac, according to this transit chart, because it is at 29 degrees.
What is a mortgage amortization calculator?
Mortgage Amortization Calculator. The mortgage amortization calculator provides an annual or monthly amortization schedule of a mortgage loan. It can also give out the monthly payment amount and interest accumulation. .
How do I use a mortgage payment calculator?
A mortgage payment calculator is a powerful real estate tool that can help you do more than just estimate your monthly payments. Here are some additional ways to use our mortgage calculator: 1 Assess down payment scenarios
What is the payment amount on a mortgage?
the payment amount to be paid on this mortgage on a monthly basis toward principal and interest only. This does not include insurance or taxes or escrow payments. (payment = principal + interest)
What are the components of a mortgage calculator?
Mortgage Calculator Components 1 Loan amount —the amount borrowed from a lender or bank. 2 Down payment —the upfront payment of the purchase, usually a percentage of the total price. 3 Loan term —the amount of time over which the loan must be repaid in full. 4 Interest rate —the percentage of the loan charged as a cost of borrowing.