How long does it take for symptoms to start appearing for the COVID-19 disease?
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
What are some things I can do at home if I have COVID-19?
Rest and Drink Fluids. Get plenty of rest and stay well hydrated. Fever, vomiting, and diarrhea can lead to significant dehydration, which can make you feel worse. Keep a big bottle of water by your bed and drink from it frequently. Broth soups, tea with honey, and fruit juice are also good choices.
What is the latency period of cancer?
In the discussion of cancers (a non-infectious disease ), the term “latency period” is used to indicate the time that passes between being exposed to something that can cause disease (such as radiation or a virus) and having symptoms. Doctors and medical journals may speak of “latent” tumors, which are present but not active or causing symptoms.
What is the relationship between the latent period and infectious period?
The latent period and the infectious period helps determine the generation time of an infection. The mean generation time is equal to the sum of the mean latent period and one-half of the mean infectious period, given that infectiousness is evenly distributed across the infectious period.
What is the difference between the latent period and incubation period?
The latent period, rather than the incubation period, has more influence on the spreading dynamics of an infectious disease or epidemic.
What are latent tumors?
Doctors and medical journals may speak of “latent” tumors, which are present but not active or causing symptoms. In the discussion of syphilis (a sexually transmitted infectious disease), the term ” latent ” refers to asymptomatic periods with different degrees of infectiousness.