How many playable characters are in Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2?
The announcement revealed that the game would include up to 90 playable characters in total and improved visuals. Images within the announcement featured several screenshots and production that featured polished character models of Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza fighting on Earth and Namek, respectively.
How did Broly get Legendary Super Saiyan?
In his third appearance, Broly’s clone Bio-Broly transforms into his Legendary Super Saiyan form after simply catching sight of Goten to awaken both the Saiyan instincts and personal vendetta of his source material.
Is there a story mode in Raging Blast 2?
Raging Blast 2’s “story mode” is the “Galaxy Mode”, as Bandai Namco Games America announced. It works like the story in Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3, that you pick a character and play his or her respective story, with what-if battles as well.
How many characters do you unlock in Dragon Ball Super?
There are a total of 29 characters to unlock. 1. Vegeta (Scouter)- Defeat Goku’s boss battle 2. Teen Gohan- Defeat Kid Gohan’s boss battle 3. Gohan- Defeat Teen Gohan’s boss battle 4. Ultimate Gohan- Defeat Gohan’s boss battle 5. Future Gohan- Defeat Ultimate Gohan’s boss battle 6. Bojack- Beat Zangya’s boss mission
How do you unlock the credits video in Dragon Ball Super?
Successfully complete Galaxy mode, summon Shenron or the Namek Dragon, and get all the wishes to unlock two Dragonball animation videos. Successfully complete Galaxy mode with all characters to unlock a credits video.
How do you unlock the Dragonball animation videos?
Use one of the three wishes from Porugna on the Porugna picture to unlock more moves to wish for. Use your wish on Shenron’s picture to unlock more moves to wish for. Successfully complete Galaxy mode, summon Shenron or the Namek Dragon, and get all the wishes to unlock two Dragonball animation videos.