How many stations are there from Virar to Dahanu?
Presently, there are nine stations between Virar and Dahanu Road, at a distance of 63.80 km.
What are the stations after Virar?
Top 10 stations in District – Palghar
Station Name | Distance | |
1 | Vasai Road (BSR) Dist – Palghar (Maharashtra) | 8 kms |
2 | Dahanu Road (DRD) Dist – Palghar (Maharashtra) | – |
3 | Palghar (PLG) Dist – Palghar (Maharashtra) | 27 kms |
4 | Virar (VR) Dist – Palghar (Maharashtra) | – |
How many stations are there between Virar and Boisar?
Stations Name Between Virar and Boisar
Stations Name Between Virar and Boisar | (Time Difference in Hour:Minutes) |
Saphale | 26 Minutes |
Kelve | 33 Minutes |
Palghar | 41 Minutes |
Umroli | 48 Minutes |
How many stations are there between Dadar and Virar?
19 intermediate Stations between Dadar Western and Virar Covering a total distance of 50 km in 1h 12m time.
How many stations are there between Virar and Palghar?
As things stand, just nine stations punctuate the 63 km stretch: Virar, Vaitarna, Saphale, Kelve Road, Palghar, U m r o l i , B o i s a r, Vangaon and Dahanu Road.
How many Stations are there between Virar and Palghar?
How many Stations are there from Virar to Churchgate?
28 stations
Virar to Churchgate Timetable ( Slow trains) Below timings are for all the slow local trains from Virar to other end of Mumbai, i.e Churchgate, Stopping at all 28 stations.
How many Stations are there from Borivali to Virar?
Borivali – Virar Slow Local 92077 runs from Borivali to Virar, 7 days. The Borivali – Virar Slow Local 92077 passenger departs from Borivali at 10:00 hrs and arrives at Virar at 10:39 hrs. The total running duration of Borivali – Virar Slow Local train is 39min, stopping at 8 stations during the journey.
Which station is after nalasopara?
Nalla Sopara railway station
Preceding station | MSR | Following station |
Vasai Road toward Churchgate | Western Line | Virar toward Dahanu Road |
Does Virar fast stop at Bhayandar?
Virar – Churchgate Fast Local has the longest halt time at Nalla Sopara,Vasai Road,Naigaon,Bhayandar,Mira Road,Dahisar,Borivali,Andheri,Bandra,Dadar,Bombay Cntrl L, a maximum of 1min. Book train tickets for Virar – Churchgate Fast Local.
How many Stations are there from Virar to Church Gate?
How many Stations are there from Andheri to Virar?
It has 11 halts. 12 intermediate Stations between Andheri and Virar Covering a total distance of 38 km in 0h 59m time.
How many stations are there from Borivali to Virar?
Does Virar fast stops at Mira Road?
Virar – Churchgate Fast Local has the longest halt time at Nalla Sopara,Vasai Road,Naigaon,Bhayandar,Mira Road,Dahisar,Borivali,Andheri,Bandra,Dadar,Bombay Cntrl L, a maximum of 1min.
Does Virar fast train stop at dahisar?
How many Stations are there from Churchgate to Virar?
It has 14 halts. 28 intermediate Stations between Church Gate and Virar Covering a total distance of 60 km in 1h 25m time. The Departure time of Churchgate-Virar Fast Local from Church Gate is 19:01 and arrival time at Virar is 20:26.
How many stations are there from Churchgate to Virar?
How many trains run from Virar to Dahanu Road?
Find all trains running between Dahanu Road (DRD) and Virar (VR). This page gives train name, train number and timing of trains operating on the Dahanu Road – Virar route. There are 11 daily trains from Virar to Dahanu Road. Every day train departs from Virar to Dahanu Road.
Is the Virar-Dahanu Road local train service ready?
“Long awaiting local trains between Virar and Dahanu station in far north suburb is soon expected to start its service. The route till Dahanu Road is ready since many months and around 1 lakh people daily travel via existing DMU (memo) train and western railways long distance passenger trains that halt between.
Is the route to Dahanu Road ready?
The route till Dahanu Road is ready since many months and around 1 lakh people daily travel via existing DMU (memo) train and western railways long distance passenger trains that halt between. We will update with timetable as soon the schedule is ready to go with local trains..”
What is the departure time of 69149 Virar BH at Virar?
Departure time of 69149 VIRAR BH at VIRAR is 04:00. Its arrival time at DAHANU ROAD is 05:15. It covers total distance of 64 kilometer in 01h 15m. Departure time of 59009 VIRAR BH at VIRAR is 04:00. Its arrival time at DAHANU ROAD is 05:16. It covers total distance of 63 kilometer in 01h 16m.