How to connect ZNC?
Connecting to ZNC[edit]
- Select Server.
- Edit your ZNC server.
- In the first password field, fill in your username followed a : and finally, the password, like this: username/networkname:password.
- You can either manually accept the invalid certificates (if they are invalid) or automatically accept them:
How do you use Znc?
To get started with ZNC you need to:
- find a computer with a good internet connection (ideally a vserver or root server) that is accessable from the IRC client (with a global ip address, dyndns or accessable via vpn)
- install znc on that computer (now called Bouncer Server).
- create a ZNC Configuration.
- run ZNC.
How do you use a ZNC bouncer?
Instructions for how to connect are at the top of the ZNC page for your user. They’re generally formatted as username/network_name:password. You can refer to the ZNC wiki for more information about connecting with your IRC client. Once you’re finished adding the network, you can connect to the network.
Can’t connect to ZNC?
If, for whatever reason, ZNC doesn’t connect to the IRC network the next time you connect your IRC client to ZNC, simply issue the command /znc connect to manually initiate the connection between ZNC and the IRC network.
How do I start Znc?
As your user (i.e. not as root), run znc –makeconf . It’s pretty safe to accept the defaults (just hit enter), but you’ll probably want to enable webadmin….Reload systemd and start znc:
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload.
- sudo systemctl enable znc.
- sudo systemctl start znc.
Where is Znc installed?
This config is stored in ~/. znc under the user you run it as. You should create a dedicated non root user to run znc under.
How do I connect to ZNC HexChat?
- Open the network list (ctrl+s or HexChat > Network List)
- Hit Add and name the network.
- Hit Edit.
- Add the server’s address (with the format of hostname/port) by clicking on the server list and hit enter to save.
- You can check the autoconnect option here if you prefer.
- Check “Use SSL…”
How do I shut down Znc?
Quit ZNC when the client quits[edit] Add the antiperform command PRIVMSG *status :shutdown to quit ZNC upon disconnecting your IRC client from ZNC.
How do I restart ZNC?
ZNC should now be running (and will start/restart automatically)….Reload systemd and start znc:
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload.
- sudo systemctl enable znc.
- sudo systemctl start znc.
Where is Znc config?
Binaries – znc , znc-config , and znc-buildmod are all stored in /usr/local/bin (or in /usr/bin ) by default. You can change this when you configure by using ./configure –prefix=/whatever/path/you/want .