How to use WikiLeaks public submission system?
In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the anonymising system Tor. Tails
What is WikiLeaks’Legal Status?
The legal status of WikiLeaks is complex. Assange considers WikiLeaks a protection intermediary. Rather than leaking directly to the press, and fearing exposure and retribution, whistleblowers can leak to WikiLeaks, which then leaks to the press for them. WikiLeaks has stated it does not solicit any information.
What is the history of WikiLeaks?
See Article History. WikiLeaks, media organization and Web site that functioned as a clearinghouse for classified or otherwise privileged information. WikiLeaks was founded in 2006 by Australian computer programmer and activist Julian Assange.
Who hacked Wikileaks’emails?
The U.S. intelligence community expressed “high confidence” that the leaked emails had been hacked by Russia and supplied to WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks said that the source of the documents was not Russia or any other state.
What is OpenLeaks and why was it created?
OpenLeaks was created by a former WikiLeaks spokesperson. Daniel Domscheit-Berg said the intention was to be more transparent than WikiLeaks. OpenLeaks was supposed to start public operations in early 2011 but despite much media coverage, as of April 2013 it is not operating.
How accurate is Wikileaks’ list of BNP members?
This document contains nine spreadsheets of detailed, confidential party membership information, with dates ranging from December 2006 to 15 April 2009. The lists have been verified to be accurate in all cases examined by WikiLeaks, however it should not be assumed that every person with a BNP membership number is a current member of the BNP.
How many British National Party members are there in the UK?
British National Party (BNP) membership and contacts list. The BNP is a “far right” party, whose members are banned by the UK civil service from a number of government occupations. 12,801 individuals are represented. Contains contact details of all or nearly all party members and some other individuals.
Is the BNP a threat in the European elections in June?
According to AFP, BNP spokesman Simon Darby stated (18 Nov 2008): “Someone out of malevolence or treachery has published it,” — “It’s a very sinister thing for someone to have done. It’s because we are regarded as a particularly strong threat in the forthcoming European elections in June.”